
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 41:2, 2020

printing press

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TUG 2020 Proceedings

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Complete issue 41:2 as one pdf (22mb) 
    Videos for all talks.
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Contents ordered by difficulty   c3 
Title page   117 
TUG 2020
TUG 2020 conference information 
    organizers, sponsors, program
Random musings on TUG2020 online 
  Barbara Beeton 
Observations on the TeX Users Group's 41st Annual Conference—TUG 2020 in the COVID-19 era 
  David Walden 
TUG 2020: A report and future recommendations 
  Paulo Ney de Souza 
TeX conferences and General Meetings, this year and next 
  Jonathan Fine 
Interview with Javier Bezos 
  Paulo Ney de Souza      [Reports and notices — live interview with Javier Bezos, maintainer of Babel and other packages]
Interview with Philip Kime 
  Paulo Ney de Souza      [Reports and notices — live interview with Philip Kime, Jungian psychoanalyst and maintainer of Biber and BibLaTeX]
Multilingual Document Processing
Beyond Roman fonts: Extra dimensions in Malayalam fonts 
  KH Hussain, Rajeesh KV, Aravind Rajendran      [Intermediate Plus — supporting the unusually large descender space needed for Malayalam, and the Rachana font design]
The road to Noto 
  Steven Matteson      [Intermediate — from the Rosetta Stone, through polyglot bibles and Droid, to Noto]
Typographical explorations in two unicase alphabets 
  Jennifer Claudio      [Introductory — consideration of written emotion in scripts that do not distinguish case]
Your personal LaTeX bookshelf: Improving your background in a time of lockdown 
  Peter Flynn      [Intermediate — randomized sizes and colors for book spines from BibTeX sources]
Noticing history—a personal view 
  David Walden      [Intermediate — how practitioners can help preserve and document primary sources and other computing history]
TeX in church: A typographical adventure 
  Paulo Cereda      [Intermediate — creating songsheets and booklets with LilyPond and LuaTeX]
Empowerment and teaching LaTeX 
  Astrid Schmölzer, Sarah Lang      [Introductory — four quick lessons for those interested in empowering new users, especially in the humanities]
Didactical reduction versus references: How to better teach LaTeX 
  Sarah Lang      [Intermediate — tech privilege, tacit knowledge, and working between beginner and mastery]
Software & Tools
LaTeX-on-HTTP: LaTeX as a commodity web service for application developers 
  Yoan Tournade      [Advanced — JSON-based HTTP API for running LaTeX over the web]
Using Overleaf for collaborative projects: First impressions and lessons learned 
  Boris Veytsman      [Intermediate — using Overleaf and git together for metacomments and version control]
    Reference [2], by Satish et al., was still under review when this TUGboat issue went to press. The article has since been published by the Association for Computational Linguistics, and is available.
The Island of TeX: Developing abroad, your next destination 
  Island of TeX      [Intermediate — overview of development projects at https://gitlab.com/islandoftex]
The design concept for llmk—Light LaTeX Make 
  Takuto Asakura      [Intermediate — simple, explicit workflow specification via TOML]
Typesetting product catalogs and other database-driven documents with the speedata Publisher 
  Patrick Gundlach      [Intermediate Plus — flexible XML-based publishing from LuaTeX, without TeX macros]
A first set of LaTeX packages 
  Jim Hefferon      [Introductory — one recommended package per general area, covering most of what beginners need]
Presenting our LaTeX workshop online 
  Susan DeMeritt, Cheryl Ponchin      [Introductory — preparation of videos and syllabus for the TUG2020 workshop]
learnlatex.org: Taking LaTeX training fully interactive 
  David Carlisle, Paulo Cereda, Joseph Wright      [Intermediate — new tutorial site, with LaTeX running directly from the web pages]
A review of learnlatex.org 
  Jennifer Claudio      [Intermediate — examination of this new web site for guiding creation of first documents]
Quo vadis LaTeX(3) Team—A look back and at the upcoming years 
  Frank Mittelbach, LaTeX Project Team      [Intermediate Plus — the last 30 years, and upcoming hook management, tagged PDF, and more]
Electronic Documents
The HINT Project: Status and open questions 
  Martin Ruckert, Gudrun Socher      [Intermediate Plus — mobile and tablet reading of TeX output; soliciting information for future work]
MiniLaTeX: A subset of LaTeX for the Web 
  James Carlson      [Advanced — no-setup LaTeX rendered on the fly to HTML in any browser]
Why the LaTeX community should care about SGML 
  William Hammond      [Intermediate Plus — benefits of using SGML over XML for LaTeX processing; need for SGML library maintenance]
LaTeX technologies at work—aesthetically beautiful PDFs on the fly from XML input: XML Page Composition (XPC) micro-service in the cloud 
  Rishi T, Aravind Rajendran, Rajagopal C.V., Radhakrishnan C.V.      [Intermediate Plus — automated PDF creation and quality control from XML sources]
Tagging with LaTeX— Part 1: Author considerations 
  Ross Moore      [Advanced — real-world examples of LaTeX source to archive accessible PDF]
TUG 2020 abstracts 
  Jonathan Fine, Amelia Hugill-Fontanel, Paul Gessler, Patrick Ion, Marcel Krüger, John MacFarlane, Ross Moore, Eric Mc Sween, Norbert Preining, Thomas Price, Brandon Rhodes, samcarter, Michael Sharpe, Paulo Ney de Souza 
    Videos for all talks.
Die TeXnische Komödie 2–3/2020   246 
Zpravodaj 2020/1–2   247-248 
Hints & Tricks
The treasure chest 
  Karl Berry      [Intermediate — new CTAN packages, March–August 2020]
Calendar   251 
TUG Business
TUG 2021 election 
  TUG Elections committee 
Institutional members   253 
TUG 2020 sponsors   253-254 
TeX consulting and production services   255-256 

TUGboat 41:2, 2020 (issue 128)   [generated 2024-05-07]
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