
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 41:1, 2020

printing press

Accumulated lists across all of TUGboat: by author/people, by category/keyword, by title.

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Complete issue 41:1 as one pdf (4.1mb) 
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Contents ordered by difficulty   c3 
Title page   
Editorial information   
TUG Business
Institutional members   
General Delivery
From the president 
  Boris Veytsman      [Introductory — the Decameron and plagues of all centuries]
Editorial comments 
  Barbara Beeton      [Introductory — typography and TUGboat news]
    Our plague year;     Updike Award for Student Type Design;     Resources— finding things: Identifying a font, (La)TeX Q&A— TopTeX;     Thoughts on asking questions in a public forum
Reporting bugs for Don Knuth (as soon as possible) 
  Karl Berry      [Introductory — please send in bug reports for the next TeX tuneup!]
         Slightly updated article on the web site.
Software & Tools
Beyond Trip and Trap: Testing the urtext WEB sources 
  David Fuchs      [Intermediate Plus — comprehensive range and other checking of DEK's original sources, via a custom toolchain]
         Slightly updated article on the web site.
Grapholinguistics, TeX, and a June 2020 conference 
  Yannis Haralambous      [Intermediate — background of subject, annotated topic list, relationship to TeX]
The DuckBoat—Beginners' Pond: You do not need to be Neo to cope with a TikZ matrix 
  Carla Maggi      [Intermediate — graduated examples of TikZ matrices as an alternative to tabular]
Creating accessible pdfs with LaTeX 
  Ulrike Fischer      [Intermediate — future research, development, and issues with generating accessible pdfs]
LaTeX3 news, issue 11, February 2018 
  LaTeX Project Team      [Intermediate — move to git; expl3 and l3build updates]
LaTeX3 news, issue 12, January 2020 
  LaTeX Project Team      [Intermediate — new features and fixes in expl3; better support for (u)pTeX; engine requirements; more]
LaTeX news, issue 31, February 2020 
  LaTeX Project Team      [Intermediate — Experiences with the LaTeX-dev formats; Improvements to LaTeX's font selection mechanism (NFSS); Primitive requirements; and more]
Case changing: From TeX primitives to the Unicode algorithm 
  Joseph Wright      [Intermediate Plus — LaTeX3 support for uppercasing, lowercasing, titlecasing, case-folding, all per Unicode]
TeX, LaTeX and math 
  Enrico Gregorio      [Intermediate Plus — aspects of mathematical typesetting: choice of symbols, abstraction, international standards, and more]
The fewerfloatpages package 
  Frank Mittelbach      [Intermediate Plus — avoiding relatively empty float pages]
Multilingual Document Processing
Typesetting Bangla script with LuaLaTeX 
  Ulrike Fischer, Marcel Krüger      [Intermediate Plus — using HarfBuzz and luaotfload to achieve better shaping and colorization]
Typographers' Inn 
  Peter Flynn      [Introductory — No time for copyright; No time to learn; Proofing the unproofable]
An attempt at ragged-right typesetting 
  Udo Wermuth      [Advanced — esthetics and implementations of ragged right, especially for German text]
Webnotes: Practical approaches 
  David Walden      [Intermediate — putting an article's supplemental material on the web, with references]
Reading 29,000 COVID-19 papers 
  Jonathan Fine      [Intermediate — questions about automated analysis, JATS, and LaTeX]
Book Reviews
About The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 5 
  David Walden      [Reports and notices — extended description of this fascicle and its place in Knuth's magnum opus]
         See the TUG books page for all book reviews and discounts.
Book review: History of Desktop Publishing, by Frank Romano 
  David Walden      [Reports and notices — also discussed: Romano's previous book on phototypesetting history; and the publisher, Oak Knoll Press]
ArsTeXnica: Contents of issues 27–28 (April and October 2019)   106-107 
Zpravodaj: Contents of issue 2019/1–4   108 
Die TeXnische Komödie 4/2019   109-110 
Hints & Tricks
The treasure chest 
  Karl Berry      [Intermediate — new CTAN packages, October 2019–March 2020]
Comic: Typographic map Hyphe-nation 
  John Atkinson 
TUG Business
TUG financial statements for 2019 
  Karl Berry 
TeX consulting and production services   114-115 
News & Announcements
TeX Live 2020 news 
  Karl Berry      [Reports and notices — brief summary of major changes in the TL'20 release]
Calendar   116 

TUGboat 41:1, 2020 (issue 127)   [generated 2024-05-07]
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