TUG Member Access

TUG member area: Access to articles in the current issue of TUGboat, and a few other parts of the tug.org web site, is limited to TUG members. All prior TUGboat articles are made publicly available upon each new issue's publication, and all older issues are available.

If any questions or problems, please contact memberaccess@tug.org or the TUG office.

If you are not a current TUG member, please consider joining TUG, and thank you.

If you are already a member and don't know your username/password (you should have received email, please check your filters), we're sorry for the trouble, and please contact us.

Each year we deactivate past members who, according to our records, did not renew a previous membership. If you have been wrongly included in this deactivation, our apologies, and please contact us to be reinstated.

Edge browser: in fall 2021, we learned that some versions of the Edge browser apparently have a bug that prevents it from bringing up the login/password dialog box on tug.org (or any site that uses so-called “HTTP basic auth”. The only workaround is to use a different browser. Edge version 93.0.961.52 running on Windows 10 is said to be ok, so hopefully this problem will gradually disappear.

Happy TeXing!


Online access to the current TUGboat issue is available to members of TUG, to give them the additional benefit of early electronic access. All previous issues are publicly available.

Non-members can buy the print journal through the TUG store, or, of course, join TUG (we hope you will) to receive all TUG membership benefits. Please help support TeX and TUG!

TUG's funding comes almost entirely from individual memberships. Thus, we greatly appreciate new members, so that TUG's support for various TeX activities can continue, such as TeX Live, MacTeX, CTAN, TUGboat, TeX conferences, the TeX Development Fund, and more.

If any comments, questions, or suggestions, please feel free to email memberaccess@tug.org or the TUG board of directors.

$Date: 2021/11/14 18:36:55 $; TUG member area; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.