
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 37:2, 2016

printing press

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TUG 2016 (Toronto) Proceedings

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Complete issue 37:1 as one pdf (28mb) 
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Contents ordered by difficulty   c3 
Title page   105 
TUG 2016
Passport to the TeX canvas 
  Pavneet Arora 
TUG 2016 conference information 
    sponsors and participants
TUG 2016 conference program   112 
TUG 2016 photos   113 
TUG 2016 in Toronto 
  Norbert Preining 
    report on conference and excursions
TUG 2016 Annual General Meeting informal report 
  Stefan Kottwitz 
General Delivery
Sebastian Rahtz (1955–2016): A brief memoir 
  Lou Burnard 
R.I.P.—S.P.Q.R; Sebastian Patrick Quintus Rahtz (13.2.1955–15.3.2016) 
  Frank Mittelbach 
Interview with Pavneet Arora 
  David Walden 
Type in the Toronto subway 
  Joe Clark      [Introductory — signage, typefaces, and (re)designs]
Are justification and hyphenation good or bad for the reader? Preliminary experimental results 
  Leyla Akhmadeeva, Rinat Gizatullin, Boris Veytsman      [Intermediate Plus — the (mixed) results of an initial experiment on reading speed and comprehension]
An informal look into the history of digital typography 
  David Walden      [Introductory — summary of longer online article on newspapers, individual use, algorithms, and more.]
         Dave's full article; comments welcome.
A short history of the Lucida math fonts 
  Charles Bigelow      [Introductory — development of math support in Lucida, 1980s to the present]
New font offerings: Cochineal, Nimbus15, LibertinusT1Math 
  Michael Sharpe      [Intermediate — new oldstyle, Greek/Cyrillic, and (La)TeX math fonts]
MFCONFIG: A Metafont plug-in module for the Freetype rasterizer 
  Jaeyoung Choi, Sungmin Kim, Hojin Lee, Geunho Jeong      [Advanced — using Metafont fonts in real time with FONTCONFIG and Freetype]
Towards an operational (La)TeX package supporting optical scaling of dynamic mathematical symbols 
  Abdelouahad Bayar      [Advanced — using a PS Type 3 font for per-equation delimiter sizes]
A LaTeX reference manual 
  Jim Hefferon      [Intermediate — using and contributing to unofficial core LaTeX2e reference documentation]
Astrological charts with horoscop and starfont 
  Matthew Skala      [Intermediate — computing and creating beautiful astrological charts]
Remaking the ACM LaTeX styles 
  Boris Veytsman      [Intermediate — refactoring design and implementation across ACM publications]
Advances in PythonTeX with an introduction to fvextra 
  Geoffrey Poore      [Intermediate Plus — automatic line breaking, variable substitution, string interpolation in verbatim]
Development of an e-textbook using LaTeX and PStricks 
  David Tulett      [Intermediate — rationale, implementation, open source publication of a new decision modeling textbook]
         The url for the e-textbook has changed from that stated in the article.
An Emacs-based writing workflow inspired by TeX and WEB, targeting the Web 
  Christian Gagné      [Advanced — integrating macro-less and macro-rich notations for publishing]
TeXcel? An unexpected use for TeX 
  Federico Garcia-De Castro      [Intermediate Plus — advantages of TeX over spreadsheets for recording and reporting financial information]
Software & Tools
Hyphenation in TeX and elsewhere, past and future 
  Mojca Miklavec, Arthur Reutenauer      [Intermediate — the hyph-utf8 pattern licenses and use in Unicode and other projects]
Zebrackets: A score of years and delimiters 
  Michael Cohen, Blanca Mancilla, John Plaice      [Advanced — striped parentheses and brackets; dynamic character generation philosophy]
A Telegram bot for printing LaTeX files 
  Amartyo Banerjee, S.K. Venkatesan      [Intermediate Plus — proof of concept Telegram bot for the Raspberry Pi]
Book Reviews
Palatino: The natural history of a typeface by Robert Bringhurst 
  Boris Veytsman      [Reports and notices — review of this remarkable and beautiful book on Hermann Zapf's Palatino family]
         See the TUG books page for all book reviews and discounts.
A Truck Full of Money by Tracy Kidder 
  David Walden      [Reports and notices — review of this narrative nonfiction book on programming and programmers]
TUG 2016 abstracts 
  Kaveh Bazargan, Charles Bigelow, Robert Bringhurst, Jennifer Claudio, Tim Inkster, Stefan Kottwitz, Kevin Larson, Frank Mittelbach, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer 
TUG Business
TUG 2016 Annual General Meeting minutes 
  Susan DeMeritt 
Report: Suspension of Kaveh Bazargan as TUG President 
  TUG Board 
TUG 2017 election 
  TUG Elections committee 
Institutional members   250 
TeX consulting and production services   250-251 
Calendar   252 

TUGboat 37:2, 2016 (issue 116)   [generated 2024-05-07]
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