
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 34:1, 2013

printing press

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Complete issue 34:1 as one pdf (4.3mb) 
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Contents ordered by difficulty   c3 
Title page   
Editorial information   
TUG Business
Institutional members   
General Delivery
Ab epistulis 
  Steve Peter      [Introductory — CTAN; conferences; interviews and reviews]
Editorial comments 
  Barbara Beeton      [Introductory — typography and TUGboat news]
    This is the year for TeX bug reports;     Don Knuth in the news (again);     A new TeX calendar;     Compulsive Bodoni / the Parmigiano Typographic System;     Printing technology, old and new;     Interactive and collaborative on-line LaTeX
CTAN: Relaunch of the Web portal 
  Gerd Neugebauer      [Introductory — announcement and description of a new www.ctan.org]
Fonts! Fonts! Fonts! 
  Bob Tennent      [Introductory — Quattrocentro, Cabin, EB Garamond, Libertine/Biolinum; implementation notes]
Typographers' Inn 
  Peter Flynn      [Intermediate — Font installer; class and package creation; grids; business cards; running ragged]
Entry-level MetaPost: On the grid 
  Mari Voipio      [Introductory — building up a graphic step by step, with troubleshooting tips]
Recreating historical patterns with MetaPost 
  Mari Voipio      [Intermediate — Greek keys, Roman mosaics, Celtic knots and keys]
The xpicture package 
  Robert Fuster      [Intermediate Plus — extending LaTeX's picture environment and related packages]
Side-by-side figures in LaTeX 
  Thomas Thurnherr      [Introductory — using minipage; subfigure; subfig; subcaption; columns in beamer]
Glisterings: Repetition; verbatims; small pages; prefixing section heads 
  Peter Wilson 
The esami package for examinations 
  Grazia Messineo, Salvatore Vassallo      [Intermediate Plus — creating tests, exercises, etc., supporting random choice of parameters]
E-TeX: Guidelines for future TeX extensions—revisited 
  Frank Mittelbach      [Advanced — in-depth analysis of open TeX typesetting issues]
Software & Tools
  Luigi Scarso      [Advanced — TeX, Lua, and just-in-time compilation]
ConTeXt: Just-in-time LuaTeX 
  Hans Hagen      [Advanced — performance tests and analysis of JIT and different Lua versions]
ConTeXt basics for users: Images 
  Aditya Mahajan      [Intermediate — local and remote image inclusion, scaling, rotation, debugging]
New CSplain of 2012 
  Petr Olšák      [Intermediate Plus — many new features in Czech/Slovak TeX—more languages, encodings, fonts, etc.]
OPmac: Macros for plain TeX 
  Petr Olšák      [Intermediate Plus — font selection, tables of contents, indexes, bibliographies, margins, etc.]
Hints & Tricks
The treasure chest 
  Karl Berry      [Intermediate — new CTAN packages, November 2012–March 2013]
Production notes 
  Karl Berry      [Reports and notices — sketch of current TUGboat printing; introduction to “Colophon”]
Book Reviews
Book review: The Computer Science of TeX and LaTeX, by Victor Eijkhout 
  Boris Veytsman 
         See the TUG books page for all book reviews and discounts.
Die TeXnische Komödie: Contents of issues 4/2012–1/2013   99 
Eutypon: Contents of issue 28–29 (October 2012)   100 
Calendar   101 
TUG 2013 announcement   102 
TeX consulting and production services   103 
TUG Business
TUG membership form   105 
TUG financial statements for 2012 
  Karl Berry 
TUG 2013 election 
  Barbara Beeton 
  Daniel Quinn 

TUGboat 34:1, 2013 (issue 106)   [generated 2024-05-07]
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