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TeX Resources on the Web - TeX Users Group

Additions and corrections are always welcome, please email

  1. FAQ and documentation:
  2. Free TeX implementations
  3. TeX engines and extensions
  4. Packages and programs
  5. TeX web projects
  6. BibTeX and bibliographies
  7. Commercial and shareware TeX vendors and projects
  8. Publisher-provided styles
  9. Publicity
  10. Miscellaneous

Where to find help and documentation

Introductions to the TeX world:

General TeX help:

If you have questions not answered by the above, here are some general help resources for TeX (no guarantees, this is all done by volunteers):

Basic LaTeX documentation:

CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network):

CTAN is a fundamental central point in the TeX world. Some of its main pages:


General typography and typesetting:



Plain TeX:

Overall TeX system:

LaTeX tutorials and courses:

Presentations about TeX:

LaTeX templates:

All of these collections would welcome additions and corrections.

LaTeX reference information:

LaTeX for particular fields:

Writing new LaTeX packages, classes, and styles:

Printed LaTeX books:

(La)TeX advocacy:

The TeX Family in 2009 article is available online, originally published in AMS Notices magazine.

See also the list of TeX journals and publications, and the AMS lists of TeX resources and TeX-related publications.

Free TeX implementations

Some notable TeX implementations that are entirely, or least primarily, free software:

If you want to inspect Knuth's original sources for educational or other such purposes, without any of the scaffolding and enhancements that have come to surround them in current systems, you can get them from Stanford; all the material is also mirrored on CTAN.

TeX engines and extensions

Packages and programs

LaTeX, biggest and most widely used TeX macro package.

ConTeXt, Hans Hagen's powerful, extensive TeX macro package; a serious contender for those wanting a production-quality publishing system. Integrated support for XML, MetaPost, and much more. The ConTeXt Garden Wiki is a good place to start. Also, Aditya Mahajan writes regular introductory ConTeXt articles for TUGboat: fonts, tables, tables II, indentations, Unicode/OpenType math, conditional processing (modes). paper setup, images.


Free editors and front-ends (see also vendors below):

Online references for other TeX-related software:

Packages and programs for making slide presentations:

Packages and programs dealing with graphics.

PSTricks graphics:

PGF/TikZ graphics:

Xy-pic graphics:

Other programs for creating graphics:

Formats and large macro packages:

DVI drivers:

PDF viewers (concentrating on free software):

Excalibur, the LaTeX-aware spell checker for Mac.
OpenOffice math plugin that allows writing LaTeX formulas in OpenOffice documents.
PerlTeX, Perl programming plus TeX typesetting.
PerlTeX: Defining LaTeX macros using Perl, an article by Scott Pakin, author of PerlTeX.
Programming with PerlTeX, an article by Andrew Mertz and William Slough using graduated examples.
ProofCheck, a system for writing mathematical proofs in a directly (La)TeXable format.
PyTeX, Python programming plus TeX typesetting.
stepTeX, porting the famous NeXTStep TeX previewer
preview-latex, WYSIWYGish in-line previews right in your Emacs source buffer
texd, TeX as a daemon with a callable interface, written in Python.
TeXmacs, a WYSIWYG editor for typing technical and mathematical text.
TeXamator, free software in Python/Qt4 to create and manage exercise sheets, packaged for several distros and translated to several languages.
TeXoMaker, free software for teachers to create and manage exercise sheets in LaTeX.
MathType and the Equation Editor in MS Word. MathType is a WYSIWYG equation editor that outputs TeX.
Label & card printing resources with TeX and LaTeX, a discussion of packages to print labels, envelopes, etc.

Multi-lingual typesetting in scripts and languages around the world:

TeX web projects

More web-related projects:

Supporting (La)TeX equations within HTML, etc.:

MathJax, JavaScript engine with output using CSS and web fonts or SVG.
mimetex.cgi, equation typesetting for web pages via a cgi script.
GtkMathView for TeX-quality formatting of MathML, by Luca Padovani.
Formula Freehand Entry System (FFES), a pen-based equation editor.
InftyReader, OCR for equations with LaTeX output.
mathurl, render LaTeX to an image and generate a short url for use in email, IM, etc.

Yet more:
Markup Shredder, document conversion from HTML to PDF using TeX.
ASTER demo (spoken mathematics)
EquPlus: Science and Math Equations, displaying code for science and math equations in TeX, MathML, and MathType, including constants, symbols, and SI units.
Verbosus is an online LaTeX editor (free to use), including PDF generation.
tbookdtd, XML DTD for LaTeX documents, and HTML generation

Related software:

If you are interested in math and XML, look info MathML, the proposal for math on the Web, and a standard DTD.

BibTeX and bibliographies

Commercial and shareware TeX vendors and projects

The AMS TeX pages have a list of Commercial TeX implementations. This list includes many additional shareware and otherwise nonfree packages and projects.

Applied Symbols, OpenType Computer Modern and Unimath, an OpenType math font.
DiffDoc, shareware for comparing html, pdf, and other documents.
GrindEQ Math Utilities, for importing/exporting (AMS)(La)TeX documents to/from Microsoft Word.
LaTeXBase, online collaborative writing and publishing.
Overleaf for collaborative writing and publishing.
Personal TeX Inc. sells and supports a complete TeX product for Windows.
OzTeX for the Macintosh, by Andrew Trevorrow, released as freeware.
VTeX includes a TeX IDE, visual tools, HTML, PDF, PS and SVG backends, and plenty more.
WinEdt, a very powerful TeX editor and shell for Windows.
word2tex, shareware from Chikrii Softlab for converting Word documents to LaTeX and from LaTeX to Word.
Y&Y was a TeX system for Windows; they're out of business now, but their web pages are still available here.

Publisher-provided TeX and LaTeX styles

See also the excellent pages on Journals Accepting Manuscripts written using LaTeX by Gabriel Valiente.

A number of publishers provide ready-made style packages.

Scholarly and publishing organizations:



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