TeX Publications and Journals

This page lists current and past publications by various TeX user groups around the world, roughly in order of appearance. Please email us with additions or corrections.

Also available:

TeX Users Group

DANTE (German)

Die TeXnische Komödie is the quarterly newsletter of the German TeX users group. It contains news, announcements, and articles with TeXnical content as well. It is formatted with an A5 page size. Contact: dtk-redaktion@dante.de.

NTG (Dutch)

The NTG MAPS (Minutes & Appendices) are published twice a year, in Voorjaar and Najaar (spring and fall) issues. Gzipped PostScript files for issues 1-11 are at CTAN, in /usergrps/ntg/maps. Page size, originally A4, changed to 8.25 x 10.5in effective with MAPS 19 (Najaar 1997). Contact: maps@ntg.nl.

Ars TeXnica (Italian)

Ars TeXnica was established in March 2006 as the publication for GuIT, the Italian TeX users group.

ConTeXt Group Journal

The ConTeXt Group Journal was established in 2011 as the publication for the ConTeXt Group, notably as proceedings of its annual conferences.

GUTenberg (French)

EuroTeX proceedings

A pan-European conference was held every year or two from 1985-2013. The first four conferences were organized by enthusiastic individuals; since then, the conference has been sponsored by one of the formal TeX groups. The name EuroTeX has been used officially since 1990.

CSTUG (Czech and Slovak)

Zpravodaj: The TeX Bulletin of the Czech/Slovak group is published four times a year. Contact: bulletin@cstug.cz.

Grupy Uzytkowników Systemu TeX (Polish)

GUST Biuletyn: The GUST Bulletin is published once or twice a year. Its size is A4; the design is based on that of TUGboat. It contains delightful drawings by a member of GUST (Grupy Uzytkowników Systemu TeX). Contact: biuletyn@gust.org.pl.

Greek TeX Friends

Eutypon published its first issue in October 1998, and ended its run in 2019.


Baskerville: Ended with the dissolution of UK TUG. From volume 3, the sources for Baskerville articles are on CTAN, in /usergrps/uktug/baskervi; most issues are also there as pdf files. Page size is A4.


TeXline was produced single-handedly by Malcolm Clark prior to the emergence of UKTUG and Baskerville. Sources for issues 5-14 are available from CTAN, in digests/texline.

Asian Journal of TeX

The Asian Journal of TeX published its first issue in April 2007. It is the publication of the Korean TeX Society.


TUGIndia Journal published two issues several years ago.

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