MetaPost on the Web

This page has a list of links related to MetaPost, a powerful tool for creating graphics in scalable PostScript. It was written by John Hobby, based on Metafont by Donald Knuth. Around 2007, it was separated into a frontend and backend library (MPlib, which was then linked into LuaTeX) by Taco Hoekwater, who also converted the source to CWEB.


MetaPost mailing lists


The basic manuals were all originally written by John Hobby and published as AT&T technical reports. They continue to be updated and maintained as part of the MetaPost distribution. These links are for the documentation of the last released version.

Taco Hoekwater's white papers

Taco Hoekwater has written an excellent series of articles on the MetaPost language. They were originally published in the ConTeXt Group Journal (2019–2023), and then collected in NTG's MAPS journal, issue 53:



Additional documentation

MetaPost programming and related projects

Macros and contributions (most on CTAN)

TUGboat articles

MAPS articles

More contributions are welcome; please email

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