
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 2:3, November 1981

printing press

Accumulated lists across all of TUGboat: by author/people, by category/keyword, by title.

Complete issue 2:3 as one pdf (5.3mb) 
Title page   
Addresses of officers, authors and others   
Official announcements   
General Delivery
Message from the Chairman 
  Michael Spivak 
General Delivery   3-7 
TUG Treasurer's report 
  Samuel B. Whidden 
The current state of things 
  Donald Knuth 
TUG Winter 1982 meeting, January 11–12, 1982, Cincinnati, Ohio 
  Tom Pierce 
Pascal-coded TeX errata 
  Arthur Samuel 
The format of PXL files 
  David Fuchs 
Output Devices
Sample of output from an IDS-640 
  John Sauter 
Output device index 
  Rilla J. Thedford 
A Varian output driver in VAX/VMS Fortran 
  Jim Mooney 
Diabolic TeX 
  Timothy Murphy 
Site Reports
News from the home front (Stanford) 
  David Fuchs 
Site Reports   21-34 
TeX under the North Star 
  Michael Frisch 
A TUGboat tour: Excerpts from the TeXnician's log 
  Barbara Beeton 
TeX for the HP3000 
  Lance Carnes 
TeX for the IBM 370 
  Susan Plass 
TeX in Israel 
  Jeffrey S. Rosenschein 
TeX at the University of Michigan, summary of progress 
  David Rodgers 
  Robert Morris 
TeX at CalTech 
  Calvin Jackson 
The status of VAX/TeX at Brown 
  Janet Incerpi 
Enhancements of VAX/VMS TeX at Calma 
  John Blair 
VAX/VMS site report 
  Monte Nichols 
“Poor man's” TeX 
  John Sauter 
Font update 
  Ronald Whitney 
Warnings & Limitations
Don't just \let TeX hang, \raise or \lower it 
  Barbara Beeton 
Editor's introduction 
  Lynne Price 
TUGboat macro index 
  Lynne Price 
Bubbles: A TeXtension in search of a TeXpert 
  Timothy Murphy 
Charting your grammar with TeX 
  Michael F. Plass 
Chemical notation using TeX 
  Monte Nichols, Barbara Beeton 
Balancing columns of text and translation (from Johnny Stovall)   58-59 
  Lynne Price 
Input-dependent macro redefinition (from Mike Spivak)   59-60 
A macro that prints its name (from Anthony Siegman)   60-61 
Testing the equivalence of strings   61 
Problems from the TeXarcana class: Answers, and another problem   61-65 
Letters et alia
Letters et alia 
  J. M. Cole 
Formatting a book with TeX: Experiences and observations 
  Michael Sannella 
Instructions for submitting TUGboat articles on magnetic tape 
Membership application and order form 
TeX and Metafont Errata 
TUG membership list 

TUGboat 2:3, November 1981 (issue 4)   [generated 2024-05-07]
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