2024 TUG Membership Form

If you are brand-new to TUG, you can use either the simplified trial membership form, or the full form below, as you prefer.

By joining TUG you support the use and development of (La)TeX and friends, including the TeX Collection software. Additional benefits include the journal TUGboat and myriad discounts. All TUG memberships are for the calendar year, so you get the same benefits whenever you join.

For 2024, all new individual TUG members will be automatically entered into a lottery with one winner for each of these items: Do Not Erase, by Jessica Wynne (reviewed for TUGboat) - History of Desktop Publishing, by Frank Romano (also reviewed for TUGboat) - Indie Fonts 2 from DRY Inc. (two copies).

Membership dues are generally tax deductible (at least in the USA), less value of benefits, which for this year is calculated as $45, or $15 if the electronic option is taken (all amounts in US dollars). Additional donations are generally fully tax deductible (again, at least in the USA). More info on TUG's tax-exempt status.

If you would rather not pay using PayPal (or cannot), please click here for an alternate membership form. The form on this page collects payment information using PayPal. Using PayPal is faster and less expensive for TUG, so we use it by default, but please, by all means, use whichever payment method you prefer.

Membership status (required: select one):
New member    Renewing member    Not sure
2024 TUG membership dues (required, please select one; more info):
$35 Trial individual membershipor use the simplified trial membership form.
Includes all benefits: printed TUGboat, discounts, etc.
For brand-new members of TUG!
$115 Regular individual membership. Includes the printed TUGboat volume.
$85 Special individual membership. You may join at this special rate if you are a (please select):
senior  student  new graduate  citizen of country with modest economy. (instructions)
Also: support for extraordinary circumstances.
Check here to make a general donation of the difference between the regular and special membership rates. For other donations, please see below.
$125 Non-voting subscription for, e.g., libraries. Subscribers are invoiced annually.
$550  Institutional membership. Includes site-wide electronic access to the members area, as well as up to eight individual physical memberships (thus providing a discount); also, grateful acknowledgement both online and in TUGboat.
Electronic membership option:
  –$35 Check here to omit shipping of physical benefits (TUGboat), and thus get a reduced fee. Not applicable to trial memberships. (The current TUGboat issue is available to all members electronically.)
Renewal options:
  Check here to automatically renew your membership in future years.
  Renew/join in advance for this many years (2 or more), including this year, at the current early bird rate (regardless of when you are joining), for up to 10 years, non-refundable. Electronic discount is applied, if chosen. Trial memberships do not qualify for this multiple year renewal.
Additional materials from last year:
These options are in addition to standard membership benefits and materials.
$30 TUGboat volume for last year (three issues for 2023; also, previous years are available separately)
$10 TeX Collection DVD for last year (2023) (this year the software dvd will not be provided as a general membership benefit; more info)
Donation options:
$   General TUG contribution
$   TUG Bursary Fund contribution (financial assistance for attending the annual meeting)
$   CTAN contribution
$   TeX Development Fund contribution (financial assistance for TeXnical projects)
$   GUST e-foundry fonts contribution
$   LaTeX Project contribution
$   LuaTeX contribution
$   LyX contribution
$   MacTeX contribution
$   PDF Accessibility Fund contribution
  If automatically renewing, make these donation(s) annually.

Additional comments:

Privacy: TUG uses your personal information only to mail you products, publications, notices, and (for voting members) official ballots. TUG does not sell or otherwise provide its membership list to anyone. The tug.org web site does not use any cookies, except those required for membership login (created by HTTP Basic Auth).

Problems or questions?

If you have any questions or difficulties submitting this form, please contact the TUG office by email or via paper mail, phone, or fax. Thanks.

$Date: 2024/04/01 15:46:37 $; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.