
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 11:3, September 1990

printing press

Accumulated lists across all of TUGboat: by author/people, by category/keyword, by title.

TUG 1990 Proceedings (Texas)

Complete issue 11:3 as one pdf (12mb) 
Title page   333 
Editorial information   334 
President's introduction 
  Nelson Beebe 
TeX & TeX-Based Systems
E-TeX: Guidelines for future TeX 
  Frank Mittelbach 
Vertical typesetting with TeX 
  Hisato Hamano 
Structured document preparation system AutoLayouter 
  Yoshiyuki Miyabe, H. Ohta, Kazu Tsuga 
Macros & Other Tools
Getting TeXnical: Insights into TeX macro writing techniques 
  Amy Hendrickson 
Where's the Greek shift key? 
  Stephen A. Fulling 
TransFig: Portable graphics for TeX 
  Micah Beck, A. Siegel 
BaSiX: An interpreter written in TeX 
  Andrew Marc Greene 
Book Production
A noddy's guide to high quality TeX production 
  Helen Gibson 
Problems on the TeX/PS/graphics interface 
  Robert A. Adams 
TeX in practice: Comments on a 4-volume, 1400-page series on TeX 
  Stephan von Bechtolsheim 
Textbook publishing—1990 and beyond 
  Mimi Jett 
Preprocessors & Editors
Diagnosing TeX errors with a preprocessor 
  David Ness 
Increased efficiency using advanced EDT editing features 
  Linda Williams, Linda Hall 
Teaching & Training
TeX for TeXnical typists 
  Charles R. Martin 
VTeX enhancements to the TeX language 
  Michael Vulis 
A constructed Dürer alphabet 
  Alan Hoenig 
Deutsche Kurzfassungen der TUGboat-Artikel 
  Luzia Dietsche 
Status Reports
TeX 3.0 and Metafont 2.0 
  Nelson Beebe 
Status Reports   442-444 
LaTeX 2.10 
  Frank Mittelbach 
International Reports
International Reports   444-451 
DANTE, Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V. 
  Joachim Lammarsch 
News from and about GUTenberg 
  Bernard Gaulle 
NTG's second year 
  Kees van der Laan 
Report from the Nordic TeX Users Group 
  Roswitha Graham, Jan Michael Rynning 
TeX in the UK 
  Malcolm Clark 
TeX in Europe 
  Malcolm Clark 
Site Reports
MVS site report 
  Craig Platt 
VMS site report 
  David Kellerman 
Site Reports   451-455 
Data General site report 
  Bart Childs 
Prime 50 series site report 
  John Crawford 
UNIXTeX site report 
  Pierre MacKay 
VM/CMS site report 
  Joachim Lammarsch 
Q & A
Report from the question and answer session 
  Barbara Beeton 
List of participants at the Texas A&M meeting (June 17–20, 1990)   458-461 
Calendar   462 
TUG Business
Institutional members   463-465 
TUG membership application   466 
Index of advertisers   479 

TUGboat 11:3, September 1990 (issue 29)   [generated 2024-05-07]
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