TUG 2010: TeX's 25 anniversary

Presentations covering
the TeX world

With special appearances by

Donald E. Knuth

and other

original Stanford TeX project members

TUG 2010: June 28-30, 2010
The 31st Annual Meeting of the TeX Users Group
Concurrent introductory LaTeX workshop on June 28

Sir Francis Drake Hotel (Union Square)
San Francisco, California 94102  USA

http://tug.org/tug2010 • tug2010@tug.org

This three-day conference focuses on document production using LaTeX, TeX, ConTeXt, MetaPost, and friends. An introductory LaTeX workshop with only a nominal fee will run concurrently on the second day.

Since 2010 is TeX's 32nd birthday, the Grand Wizard has graciously agreed to participate. In addition to Dr. Knuth, other original Stanford TeX project members, including David Fuchs, John Hobby, Oren Patashnik, Michael Plass, Tom Rokicki, Luis Trabb-Pardo, and Howard Trickey, have made plans to be present.

We will be scheduling several activities for the final day (June 30), including the conference banquet, to honor their work and celebrate TeX's 32nd anniversary.

Hope to see you there!

Dates and deadlines

Further information



Sponsored by the TeX Users Group and DANTE e.V., with additional support from Addison-Wesley, CSLI, Green Lion Press, Principiae, River Valley Technologies (UK), River Valley Technologies (India), San Francisco State University, the Stanford Computer Science Department, University Science Books, and von Hoerner & Sulger GmbH, with special assistance from individual contributors. Thanks to all.

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