Lucida® fonts from TUG

The TeX Users Group (TUG) offers a selection of Lucida® fonts designed by Bigelow & Holmes, with support for both mathematical and text typesetting. TUG provides a set of Lucida fonts in OpenType format, and a somewhat different set in Type 1 font format.

Additional comparisons: the Type 1 fonts will not be developed further, while the OpenType fonts continue to be actively maintained and developed. For instance, the OpenType fonts support more languages, with a variety of visual improvements to their glyphs and spacing. Lucida OpenType is also one of the few font sets currently supporting OpenType mathematical typesetting, and (uniquely, to our knowledge) provides a bold math variant. The regular-weight Lucida OpenType math font includes a newly-designed script alphabet.

To order the fonts in either format, please use this online order form for the Lucida fonts. (By the way, other TeX-related items, including software and TUGboat journal issues, are available through the TUG store.)

Many other Lucida fonts are available directly from B&H, as well as a blog, newsletter, and more.

Documentation and support

Sample documents using and describing Lucida (both input and output, both OpenType and Type 1) are available for your perusal.

For questions related to ordering or licensing, please email, or contact the TUG office.

For technical support, please use the mailing list. It is a public list and you are welcome to join the mailing list or search its public archives. (You don't need to subscribe to post.) We cannot guarantee support, but we'll do our best.

A terse description of updates to the fonts is maintained as new releases or made. They're also announced on the mailing list.

Further reading

Licensing and credits

The Lucida fonts are offered only on condition of your acceptance of the Lucida end-user license for named individuals, or the Lucida site license for use throughout an organization. The fonts are not redistributable, freely or otherwise. To discuss an OEM license, please email us.

Web fonts (woff, etc.): the licenses do not permit using the Lucida fonts as web fonts, because there is no practical way for us to limit distribution. It's fine to put normal documents (for example, articles or books in pdf format) using subsetted Lucida fonts on the web. Feel free to email us if questions.

Primary thanks to Charles Bigelow and Kris Holmes for generously allowing TUG to offer this to the community—and especially for designing this remarkable typeface family in the first place.

The folks who helped prepare the different releases are acknowledged on the corresponding pages; thanks to all.

$Date: 2023/09/22 16:21:07 $;
® Lucida is a trademark of Bigelow & Holmes Inc. registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office and other jurisdictions.
TUG Lucida home page; B&H Lucida home page; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.