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General Information

The TeX Users Group (TUG) has sponsored several explicitly practical ("how you get things done") TeX conferences. The first conference was held in New York City in 1998 and was well-received by attendees. The second conference took place in San Francisco in 2004, and the third in Chapel Hill in 2005. As an outgrowth of the second conference TUG decided to create an online journal for practical TeX. The first issue published was issue 2005-1, in March 2005.

A typical issue of The PracTeX Journal may include:

This journal, as you see it here, will undoubtedly evolve in style as well as content. The Editorial Board welcomes suggestions for improving both the content and appearance of the journal.

The PracTeX Journal is a complement to TUG's primary print journal, TUGboat. TUGboat is a benefit of membership in the TeX Users Group. The TeX Live, ProTeXt and CTAN software (on CD and DVD) are other benefits of joining TUG.

A note from Robin Laakso, TUG Executive Director

The PracTeX Journal is intended as another way for TUG to provide information about TeX, LaTeX and friends for its membership and for users worldwide. Thanks to the all-volunteer Editorial Board and other contributors for there continuing efforts to make The PracTeX Journal possible.

TUG is a member-supported organization and relies on memberships and donations for its existence. We also have institutional memberships for universities and companies. If I can be of assistance with these or other matters please feel free to contact me.

Date: May 28, 2012 ; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.