LaTeX workshop - TUG 2010

On Monday, June 28, we will provide an introductory/intermediate LaTeX workshop, led by Sue DeMeritt and Cheryl Ponchin. The approximate syllabus in PDF (and LaTeX source) are available.

You can register for the workshop separately from the main conference, for a nominal fee. In past years, students and staff at nearby institutions have especially taken advantage of this.

As usual, the workshop will include time for individual one-on-one attention, so feel free bring any specific questions or problems you have.

Participants should bring their own laptops and have TeX installed if possible. If that's not possible, we hope people will be able to share.

Unlike other years, this workshop will run concurrently with the main conference (the first day only).

Please post this dual publicity flyer for the conference and workshop wherever appropriate.

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