Conference sponsors

Sponsors for TUG 2007 included the TeX Users Group, DANTE e.V., and NTG, with additional support from Addison-Wesley, Adobe Systems, Carleton Production Centre, Design Science, Integre, MacKichan Software, O'Reilly Media, River Valley Technologies, Springer, and von Hoerner & Sulger GmbH. Thanks to all!

Conference sponsorshop opportunities

We thank the sponsors above; San Diego State University is our host; and special thanks to the many individual contributors.

We very much encourage any interested parties to help sponsor the conference. We will happily acknowledge all donors, unless anonymity is preferred. Cash donations can be made on the registration page (actual registration is not required).

Please contact us if you are interested in other opportunities. A schedule of options follows, but we are certainly open to your ideas. All sponsorship includes a half-page ad in the program and conference proceedings, as well as your name/logo in the conference publicity and materials.

Thanks for your consideration!

$Date: 2007/07/23 19:01:56 $; conference home page; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.