-------------------------------------------------------------------------- TUG2003 QUESTIONNAIRE tug2003-pr@tug.org -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------ABOUT THE CONFERENCE: 1) WAS THE LOCATION FOR THE CONFERENCE INTERESTING? The location was very attractive, but I fear the cost of travelling acted as a barrier to some potential participants. Of course, on the flip side, some participants may not have turned up to a more austere location. 2) WERE THE TOPICS COVERED OF INTEREST TO YOU? The majority of topics were of interest, but I would have liked to have seen more emphasis on the future of TeX. Jerzy Ludwichowski made some very thoughtful comments right at the end of the conference, but by then some participants had already left. In my mind, it is imperative that the community galvanize itself so that TeX will be around for its golden anniversary. 3) LIST THE TALKS/SUBJECTS THAT WERE THE MOST VALUABLE TO YOU. I am hesistant to list specfic talks but the ones that appealed most were those that were substantive: this is what we have done, and this is how we have done it. 4) LIST THE TALKS/SUBJECTS THAT WERE THE LEAST VALUABLE TO YOU. Again I am hesistant to list specific talks, but I thought a couple of the presentations were devoid of technical content. --------INTERNET CONNCECTIONS 5) WERE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE INTERNET ACCESS PROVIDED? Yes. 6) WAS IT HELPFUL TO HAVE THE iBOOKS AVAILABLE AT THE WORKSHOPS AND FOR EMAIL ACCESS? Yes. --------ACCOMMODATION AND TRANSPORTATION: 7) DID YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH HOTEL ACCOMMODATION? No. 8) WERE HOTEL CHARGES AS YOU EXPECTED? No. 9) DID YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH TRANSPORTATION? No. --------HOW COULD CONFERENCES BE BETTER ORGANIZED: 10) COMMENTS? One area to consider might be ``birds of a feather'' sessions where like minded individuals get together. But in the main, I thought the conference was very well organized. Thank You! --------OTHER: 11) REMARKS I was surprised not to receive a receipt for the conference registration. --------SIGNATURE: