Recognition at TUG 2003

At TUG 2003, we recognized long-term contributions by Mimi Burbank and Barbara Beeton to TUGboat. Of course both, especially Barbara, have done much for TeX and TUG in other areas as well, but these awards were specifically for their TUGboat work.

We commissioned two drawings from Duane Bibby and presented them from the conference. They're included below.

Thank you, Mimi and Barbara!

Since 1995, Mimi Burbank has dutifully shouldered the thankless task of production manager for TUGboat. She collects the files that make up each issue, nags the Editor and other contributors to get their work done, puts together all the pieces, and delivers the camera copy to the printer. She has arranged for the computers at her site - the Florida State University School of Computational Science and Information Technology - to be opened for use by the TUGboat production team, and taken on the work of installing new TeX systems, fonts, macros, and whatever else has been needed.


In short, she has been up to her elbows in alligators.

We appreciate her hard work and friendship, given so generously. She seldom gets enough kind words among all the grumbles.

Therefore, we would like to present Mimi with a small token of our gratitude. She can't be here to accept it, but we know she'd react with some memorable comment, possibly unprintable. This drawing, by Duane Bibby, shows how important her guidance is in navigating TUGboat through the swamp. I have it on good authority that the original is now on its way to her, and we'll let her know first thing tomorrow (which will be afternoon for her) that she should expect to receive it very soon.

Thank you, Mimi - we couldn't have done it without you!

Barbara had the initial thought of presenting a drawing to Mimi this year. It then took little effort for us to realize that Barbara should get one too! We wanted the drawings to be related, since Barbara and Mimi have worked so closely together for so long, keeping TUGboat going, year by year, through all the changes in the TeX and computing world.

Of course, Barbara goes back to day 1 of TUGboat, not to mention TUG, not to mention TeX! But that is a story for another occasion - this drawing is particularly for your knowledge, humor, and incredible dedication as editor of TUGboat. So for now, Barbara, let us just express a tiny fraction of our appreciation for everything you've done ... and wish that you and Mimi will be working together for years to come.

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