TeX Live 2024 - bugs and updates

Most of TeX Live is a redistribution of packages and programs from elsewhere, primarily CTAN. So, the place to send bug reports varies:

Common requests:

Known issues in TeX Live 2024

  1. The pdftex, xetex, and euptex binaries as released with TL24 have a bug which makes \aftergroup fail when used with the \output routine, as with the afterpage package. This was fixed in the branch2024 sources in r70755, tag texlive-2024.1, followed by binary updates.
  2. The xdvipdfmx binary as released with TL24 had a bug which made insertion of the same image multiple times be instantiated each time in the output, possibly greatly increasing the final output size. This was fixed in the branch2024 sources in r70897, tag texlive-2024.2, followed by binary updates.
  3. The symlink universal-darwin/mktexlsr incorrectly pointed to mktexlsr.pl instead of mktexlsr (the shell script). No other platforms were affected. This was fixed in the texlive.infra update of 16mar24. For those who do not want to take updates, you can repoint the link by hand:
    cd .../2024/bin/universal-darwin
    rm mktexlsr
    ln -s ../../texmf-dist/scripts/texlive/mktexlsr mktexlsr

Notable changes

As always, there were pervasive updates to packages and programs (highlights of changes). We can't list them all, but here are some of the principal user-visible changes since the initial TL23 release:

Cross-engine extensions
In engines except for original TeX, e-TeX, and LuaTeX:

luatex (full LuaTeX news)

metapost (full MetaPost news)
The MPFI library now included for interval arithmetic; enabled with --numbersystem=interval.

pdftex (full pdfTeX news)

(e)(u)ptex (full ChangeLog)

xetex (full XeTeX news)

cweb (full cweb news)

dvipdfmx (full dvipdfmx news)

kpathsea (full Kpathsea news)

tlmgr (full tlmgr news)

MacTeX-2024 contains the latest Ghostscript 10.03.0, updates of all four GUI programs, along with (as always) all new TL changes. The binaries still support macOS 10.14 (Mojave) and later. (As usual, earlier Mac versions are supported by the x86_64-darwinlegacy binaries, which are part of TL, but not MacTeX.)


Bug archives for the previous release and earlier years remain online (under systems/texlive; both the initial release each year, and the frozen state at the end of the cycle in tlnet-final).

If you discover other changes that should be noted, please send them in.

$Date: 2024/05/04 16:00:29 $; TeX Live; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.