2023 TeX Collection DVD

The TeX Collection was the name for the overall collection of software that was distributed by the TeX user groups each year until 2023. As of 2024, DVDs are burned on request, by volunteers (more volunteers greatly appreciated). Current TeX software DVD info is on another page.

This page is about the last release of the TeX Collection, in 2023, for historical purposes.

The TeX Collection DVD for 2023 was released in April 2023, although not mailed until August, due to manufacturing delays. The various components are also available over the Internet via the links below. It contained the same basic components as in previous years:

The TeX Collection DVD contains all of the above software.

All of these projects are done by volunteers. If you'd like to help with development, testing, documentation, etc., please visit the project pages above for more information on how to contribute.

Releases from previous years are available for historical purposes.

The TeX Collection is a massive effort. Thanks to the hundreds of people involved, from all parts of the TeX world: the contributors uploading new packages to CTAN, the CTAN maintainers for providing a central repository to draw from, the people building the binaries on a wide variety of platforms, those helping test the results, the developers supporting the software upon which it all rests, the user group members keeping the infrastructure provided by TUG and all the TeX user groups viable by their support, and Donald Knuth for starting it all.

Nevertheless, please consider joining TUG (or the user group best for you) or making a donation to support the effort.

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