License upgrade from Y&Y to TUG Lucida®

The Lucida® fonts offered by TUG were originally available from the TeX vendor Y&Y, which closed in 2004. The form below permits an upgrade from the Y&Y individual user Lucida license to the TUG individual user license. The upgrade may be executed only by TUG members in good standing, per our legal agreement. (If you are not already a TUG member, you can join TUG at any time.)

Perhaps the most significant difference between the two licenses is that the TUG license, unlike the Y&Y license, allows embedding of the Lucida fonts in normal pdf or other electronic documents. We thank Bigelow & Holmes for generously extending the license terms.

This online upgrade is available to individual Y&Y licensees only. To upgrade a Y&Y site license, please contact TUG.

Upgrade limitations

The form here is only for upgrading existing Y&Y licenses. It does not provide access to any fonts. If you wish to acquire the fonts themselves, please use the Lucida order form. (If you have already acquired a current distribution of the Lucida fonts, from TUG, PCTeX, or another source, there is no reason to fill out this form.)

More legalities:

Upgrade cost

TUG does not at present require any payment for an individual license upgrade but we do pay Bigelow&Holmes a nominal fee for each upgrade to help cover their overhead. So if you are able to make a donation to TUG to in turn help us defray our expenses, we would greatly appreciate it. (Donations are tax-deductible in the USA.) Thanks for your consideration.

If you have any questions or concerns about this procedure, or for site license upgrades, please email

Upgrade form

Please read the TUG Lucida end-user license and check here if you accept the terms:

Licensee Name 
Licensee Email 
line two  
City      State/Province
Postal code  Country
Telephone  Fax
Date of Lucida
purchase from Y&Y 
Lucida font list 
(either filenames
or font names ok)
Comments or 

Reminder: you must be a current TUG member to execute this upgrade. You can join TUG online, if needed.

      (Bold fields are required.)

$Date: 2023/09/22 16:21:07 $;
® Lucida is a trademark of Bigelow & Holmes Inc. registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office and other jurisdictions.
TUG Lucida home page; B&H Lucida home page; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.