[tldoc] English documentation updated

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Jan 9 03:06:20 CET 2007

Hello again TeX Live documentation folks,

I've committed Staszek's doc updates for the Windows situation to the
English source (with a few minor corrections).

The url's from my previous message are still current.
That is, the new live.tex for English is at:

For purposes of comparison, you can see a colored diff from the original
English version I checked in back in December here (I had made a few
other small changes along the way):

A text diff can be got here:

The 2005 English version is here:

I've updated the HTML and PDF versions for English also:

There may be one more change regarding the name of the release, or maybe
we will leave the doc alone.  Not sure yet.  Translating Staszek's
updates to the actual content is the important thing, so please go ahead
and do that.


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