[tldoc] TL translations by 11/1

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sat Oct 8 23:44:47 CEST 2005


The first updated TL translation, for French, is now in -- thanks Daniel!
Also corrected a few typos and such in the English -- thanks Jan :).

We are really truly going to make every effort to send the final images
to production on November 1.  I hope that will be doable for everyone --
Boris, Petr, any updates?  In any case, any translations not updated by
then we can always post on the web site.

To recap:

Current English sources:
(live.tex is the actual document, others are support).

Current English output (pdf and html):

Last year's (and earlier) English sources, in case you want to compare:

English README (readme.en.html and plain text README.EN):

I will be offline for a few days starting Tuesday (back Sunday), but I'm
sure Staszek or others on the list can help with any problems or (joyous
day) check in any other translation updates :).


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