a "final solution" for downloading bibtex? lol.

Mike Marchywka marchywka at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 25 00:07:26 CET 2024

I'd never had any problem with this domain until today.
Toobib failed and so did the zotero webform,


First, let me rant on the costs of not allowing computers
to automate data processing. I wasted the whole day
trying to reverse engineer this web page instead of
doing reasearch - I wanted to look at fraud in 
Alzheimer's in this case. Aside from being wasteful and
frustrating, it really makes no sense to make it hard for
anyone to accurately cite a work. I understand the concerns
with automation overload but still something needs to be
done. I wouldn't go on this rant except that 
Zotero seemed to have the same problem or at least
claimed there was an error getting the bibtex.

Assuming chrome is being used to download the webpage,
it does work in normal headed mode but I could not
get it to work in headless mode. 
In headed mode, it still would not work with a connection
to the debug port and I was not sure how it knew.
The solution was simply to disconnect
the web socket client while the page was loading lol.
You probably drop some messages during this time but
it does not seem to matter although it may be flakey. 
It may not mean much to the larger audience, but
for anyone looking into chrome download fails, just
dettach and reconnect and get a new session id.
and it seems to work. There may be a cleaner way to
do this but right now Zotero webform does not seem
to have a solution.  

The current work is a  "blog post" and not really a scientific article so
I didn't expect much and don't intend to cite it but thought
it was a good test case. 

./mjm_med2bib_guesses.h1171 % mjmhandler: toobib handleadhochtml<-og
% date 2024-03-24:18:41:42 Sun 24 Mar 2024 06:41:42 PM EDT
% srcurl: https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/faked-beta-amyloid-data-what-does-it-mean
% citeurl: https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/faked-beta-amyloid-data-what-does-it-mean
X_TooBib = {urldate: FixBeKvp s= cmd=date "+%Y-%m-%d" d=2024-03-24 dn=urldate},
X_TooBib = {author: ReWriteParse be.get("author")=},
X_TooBib = {author: ReWriteParse be.get("author")=},
X_TooBib = {publisher: ReWriteParse be.get(s)= be.get(dest)=},
X_TooBib = {journal: ReWriteParse be.get(s)= be.get(dest)=},
X_TooBib = {author: },
abstract = {},
author = {},
author_orig = {},
date = {},
description = {},
image = {https://www.science.org/pb-assets/images/blogs/pipeline/default-image-1644619966880.png},
pagetitle = {Faked Beta-Amyloid Data. What Does It Mean? Science AAAS},
title = {Faked Beta-Amyloid Data. What Does It Mean?},
type = {article},
url = {https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/faked-beta-amyloid-data-what-does-it-mean},
urldate = {2024-03-24},
x_toobib_mutatemissing = {ds=abstract (*ii).second= ss=description},
final_assembly ={ TooBib handler handleadhochtml},
toobib-date={2024-03-24:18:41:42 Sun 24 Mar 2024 06:41:42 PM EDT}



mike marchywka
44 Crosscreek Trail
Jasper GA 30143
USA, Earth marchywka at hotmail.com
 404-788-1216 ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-455X

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