getting latex to input a file that it then ignores

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at
Sun Oct 17 21:23:52 CEST 2021

Am 17.10.21 um 21:18 schrieb Mike Marchywka:
> This may sound dumb, maybe there is an alternative, but
> I'm trying to get latex to read a file that it then ignores so that
> my packaging script can see that latex needs it and archive it with
> the release document latex produces. The immediate problem is
> to include an "R" script. If mjmtol in the code below  uses #1,
> then xxx.R is picked up
> as required by latex but with the definition below it never
> seems to read it. Is there some simple way to do this?
> Thanks.

See package catchfile


> \newcommand{\mjmtol}[1] {}
> \mjmtol{
> \verbatiminput{xxx.R}
> }

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