[texhax] Books

John C Frain frainj at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 18:57:09 CEST 2005

There are several  postscript utilities on ctan
http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/psutils/ that will accomplish
this kind of task using postscript files.  Note in particular -

psbook to arrange the book in signatures

psnup to output the pages (eg two to a page), and

pstops to output first the even and then the odd pages

John Frain

Hi folks!

Does anybody know, how to create a book with LaTeX that has the layout such
that it looks like a A4 paper landscape, but where to pages are printed on
one side and again two on the other. I don't know what "style" this is...


John C Frain

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