[tex4ht] Using texfot with make4ht, how to make it stop at error in compiling?

Michal Hoftich michal.h21 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 12:15:17 CEST 2023

Hi Nasser,

> > It seems like there should be a way to get make4ht to keep the output
> > and still stop on error, but that's up to Michal. Specify -a warning
> > and also errorstopmode somehow? (And not need to use texfot.) Or
> > -a debug and errorstopmode?
> >

One thing that is possible is to stop the compilation on the first
error, using -halt-on-error option. This should make the compilation
faster, if your file contains errors. Try this build file:

Make:htlatex { latex_par="-halt-on-error"}


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