[tex4ht] why arxiv.org choose LaTeXML and not tex4ht for making HTML pages?

Susan Jolly easjolly at ix.netcom.com
Thu Mar 10 19:45:36 CET 2022

William F Hammond gellmu at gmail.com 
On Thu Mar 10 03:49:58 CET 2022 William F Hammond gellmu at gmail.com wrote
the following  on this subject.
"LaTeX as we know it needs support, and work on LaTeXML and TeX4ht needs to
continue.  That work can become easier as better LaTeX documents are

I agree with this, especially the part about "better LaTeX documents...."
But I have a question. Valuable LaTeX documents often describe research that
has cost a lot of time and effort on the part of researchers as well as
monetary and other costs on the part of  supporting institutions.  My
question is whether any extra effort required to make these documents more
amenable to existing tools for automatic conversion to other formats,
including accessible ones, would add significantly to their total cost.  It
doesn't make sense to me that researchers who have the resources to do
valuable research wouldn't be willing  to follow available standards to
ensure the  usefulness of the documentation. 

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