Indexing fonts

Karl Berry karl at
Thu Dec 15 22:39:29 CET 2022

Hi Peter,

    whether either route automatically updates the system's font index,
    either via a system-provided font installation indexer or via a
    utility such as fc-cache.

My question in return is, what "system-provided font installation
indexer" exists (on Unix), other than fc-cache?

Anyway, Norbert answered for Debian. For native TL, the answer is here:

Which is to say, nothing is run on Unix (the fontconfig file is created,
but not run). On Windows, fc-cache is run, which I guess helps with
XeTeX (and LuaTeX, presumably -- can anyone confirm?), but I presume
that does not make the TL fonts available as true system fonts, e.g., to

    I guess the question is really whether XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX can 
    immediately use fontspec to load (eg) \setmainfont{Accanthis} or if a 
    manual indexing task has to be performed.

For that specific invocation of Accanthis, specifically, yes, must be
manually added as a system font.

If the accanthis package provided a fontspec file, nothing manual would
need to be done. Many OT/TT font packages do provide fontspec files.

You already know my opinion of system font lookups, so I won't belabor
the point :). --thanks, karl


Regular Text.

\emph{Italic Text.}

\textbf{Bold Text.}

\textbf{\emph{Bold-Italic Text.}}

%\textsl{Slanted Text.}

%\textbf{\textsl{Bold-Slanted Text.}}


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