[PATCH] Fix stuff I broke -- part 2 (was: Re: Format file differences)

Andreas Hirsch cursus.publicus at sacrumromanumimperium.org
Mon Jun 21 19:58:40 CEST 2021

Hello Reinhard,

Reinhard Kotucha schrieb am 20.06.2021 um 03:06:

> I've compiled an x86_64 binary from the current sources:
>    http://ms25.ddns.net/texlive/x86_64/pdftex.gz
> Andreas, you have to re-create the format file with the new binary on
> the server.  It's not done by tlmgr automaticly.

A short question for understanding:

This new binary replaces the binary in \texlive\bin\x86_64-linux (this 
means for me the 'linux-binary') and this pdftex will create correct 
(system-independent) for linux and win32?


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