differences between daily snapshots and CTAN

Vincenzo Mantova vlmantova at gmail.com
Sat Jun 12 10:54:30 CEST 2021


I have a question about the TeX Live daily snapshots and the CTAN mirrors
(hopefully an easy one).

Say I download a file from https://texlive.info/tlnet-archive/2021/01/08
with a particular revision number, and an identically named file from an
up-to-date CTAN mirror. How confident can I be that the file content will
be identical, byte-for-byte? At least when looking at static files, i.e.
not architecture specific binaries. I assume that you only rebuild a
package when its revision number goes up.

My use case is reproducibility: if I want to reproduce an old snapshot, I'd
like to leverage CTAN mirrors as much as possible before relying on

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