[tex-live] Perltk-zh.pl in tl2008 has been finished in both simplified and traditional chinese.

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Wed Aug 6 23:36:09 CEST 2008

On Mi, 06 Aug 2008, Karl Berry wrote:
> As I understand it (I just happened to read an article about this, I
> actually know nothing about it :), the newfangled way would be zh-hant
> and zh-hans.  And zh-cn is usually used in practice for simplified, whil
> zh-tw or zh-tw are misused for traditional.

The problem is a different one, it is what our code returns ... the code
that peeks into the registry and tries to detect the language setting.

>     I would say we install the simplfied version as
>             perltk_zh.pl
> I assume you mean perltk-zh.  


I have committed bot variants, and a copy of the simplified one as

BTW, Zhao, your UTF8 coded files were quite strange, they had some
hidden two bytes at the beginning, file declared the UTF8 with BUM

I had to remove them (the markers) (was not easy, vim didn't show them,
I had to use an hex editor) otherwise the code in our perl script
wouldn't work properly (we are reading in in bytes and convert then to
utf8 by hand).

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining at debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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