[tex-k] Is there a way to find the error line?

Yannis Haralambous yannis1962 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 19 18:30:57 CET 2021

dear tex-k members,

when I try to compile xetex (with some changes of mine), I get the following error message:

/bin/sh ../../../texk/web2c/web2c/convert xetex
syntax error: Last token = 59 (;), error buffer = `;',
	last id = `true' (constant).
../../../texk/web2c/web2c/convert: conversion of xetex.p failed, moving dregs:
../../../texk/web2c/web2c/convert:   mv xetex[0-9].c xetexini.c xetexd.h                   xetexcoerce.h /var/folders/1n/fvs3dd2d5gqghwcw8khb41_h0000gn/T/
make: *** [xetex-web2c] Error 1

Is there a way to localize the error? Or at least the line where the error is located in the xetex.p file?

Thanks in advance,


 <http://www.imt-atlantique.fr/>	Yannis HARALAMBOUS
Computer Science Department
 <http://perso.telecom-bretagne.eu/yannisharalambous/> <https://twitter.com/y_haralambous> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/yannis-haralambous-5529073?trk=hp-identity-name>Technopôle Brest-Iroise CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3, France
Une école de l'IMT <http://www.imt.fr/>
Ceux qui négligent de relire s'obligent à lire partout la même histoire.     (Roland Barthes)

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