[tex-k] TeX module 308: max_param_stack

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Wed Jul 28 23:24:05 CEST 2021

Hi Wolfgang,

    The comment
         { largest value of param_ptr, will be <= param_size + 9 }
    at the declaration of max_param_stack seems misleading to me. I'd 
    suggest instead:
         { largest value of param_ptr }
    The param_ptr must not exceed param_size, which is ensured in module 390.

That's true about param_ptr. The misleading part is that second half of
the comment, "will be <= param_size + 9", is also intended to apply to
max_param_stack, not param_ptr. A semicolon instead of comma would have
made that clearer.

DRF had some more commentary on this, which I copied into my new entry
on the nobug page about this: http://tug.org/texmfbug/nobug.html#maxparamstack


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