[metapost] Missing stroke-linejoin attribute in SVG output for filldraw command

luigi scarso luigi.scarso at gmail.com
Thu Sep 5 15:31:46 CEST 2024

On Thu, 5 Sept 2024 at 15:15, Joshua Krämer <joshua at kraemer.link> wrote:

> Hi all,
> the following sample file defines two rectangles with a draw and
> filldraw command, respectively. In the generated SVG file, the first
> rectangle with the draw command contains a path element with the
> attribute "stroke-linejoin: round;" and thus appears as intended, with
> rounded corners. This attribute is missing for the second rectangle with
> the filldraw command, which thus appears with sharp corners. I think
> this is a bug, because drawing or filldrawing with pencircle should
> always result in rounded corners. Adding "linejoin := rounded;" doesn't
> make a difference.
> outputformat := "svg";
> beginfig(1);
>         pickup pencircle scaled 12;
>         draw unitsquare scaled 48;
>         filldraw unitsquare scaled 48 shifted (72, 0);
> endfig;
> end;

Thank you for the report, I will check it this weekend.

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