Record of TUG Board motions

Motions made and voted on by the TUG Board, from 2017 to the present.

Full texts and voting records follow.

Motion 2025.1: Electronic trial membership for $20

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move that we offer an electronic trial membership for $20, effective when/if this motion passes.

More information: Implementation note: About five people have signed up for the current trial membership. In order not to be unfair to them, we'll ask them individually if they want the electronic option and the $15 difference refunded.

Yes:12; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:3. (24 January 2025)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Max Chernoff, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Klaus Höppner, Jérémy Just, Frank Mittelbach, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

No response: Johannes Braams, Tom Hejda, Ross Moore

The motion passes.

Motion 2024.7: Budget for 2025

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move that we accept the attached as the TUG budget for 2025.

More information: The bottom line is about 5K in the red, just because our expenses keep going up and our income doesn't, and we want to be conservative in the budget. A predicted negative bottom line is not unusual for us.

Yes:14; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:1. (31 December 2024)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Max Chernoff, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Klaus Höppner, Jérémy Just, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

No response: Tom Hejda

The motion passes.

Motion 2024.6: institute silver/gold patron memberships

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move that, as of the 2025 membership year, TUG offer two new membership levels, labeled "silver patron" and "gold patron". The fees will be 6x and 10x the regular institutional membership level, respectively, thus $3,300 and $5,500 initially.

More information: The silver-level benefits would be:
- All benefits of a regular institutional membership.
- Half-page ad in all TUGboat issues published while they are a member.
- Conference sponsor: logo listed, half-page ad in program and proceedings, one waived registration+banquet fee.
- Special listing on, before the institutional members, possibly with extra text if desired, to be worked out by mutual agreement.
- 1/3 of patron membership fee to go to a committed fund(s) of their choice; sponsorship(s) will be publicized. Remainder to go to the TUG general funds.

The gold-level benefits would be:
- All benefits of a regular institutional membership.
- Full-page ad instead of half-page ad in TUGboat.
- Major conference sponsor: full-page ad in program and proceedings, two waived registration+banquet fees.
- Special listing on, preceding both silver patrons and regular institutional members, again with extra text if desired.
- Same disposition of fee as silver: 1/3 of patron membership fee to go to a committed fund(s) of their choice; sponsorship(s) will be publicized. Remainder to go to the TUG general fund.

Of course, the institution may opt out of any benefits or publicity they do not wish to take advantage of, just as is the case now.

Yes:15; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (20 September 2024)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Max Chernoff, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Tom Hejda, Klaus Höppner, Jérémy Just, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

The motion passes unaminously.

Motion 2024.5: hold TUG 2025 in Kerala

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move that the TUG'25 conference be held in Kerala, India, accepting the generous offer of STM Document Engineering Private Limited (our principal contact will be CV Radhakrishnan) to organize and sponsor it.

During the discussion it was noted that in part because of the Covid disruption, the conference has not been held in North America since 2019. There will be a strong effort to do that for 2026.

Yes:15; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (10 August 2024)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Max Chernoff, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Tom Hejda, Klaus Höppner, Jérémy Just, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

The motion passes unaminously.

Motion 2024.4: appoint Jim Hefferon as secretary

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

With Klaus Höoppner's stepping down as secretary, I move that Jim Hefferon be the new secretary.

With thanks to both Klaus for his years as secretary, and Jim for volunteering to take over the job.

Yes:14; No:0; Abstain:1; No response:0. (2 August 2024)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Max Chernoff, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Tom Hejda, Klaus Höppner, Jérémy Just, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

Abstain: Jim Hefferon

The motion passes.

Motion 2024.3: Provide sitewide online access to subscribers

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Jim Hefferon:

I move that, as of the 2025 membership year, subscribers be given the additional benefit of site-wide online access, as institutional members already have, and the subscriber fee be modestly increased.

Rationale: two subscribers have independently requested this, so evidently it would be a valuable benefit to add. For a general rationale, Boris wrote:

[Boris] I see a great value in TUGboat being available to as many people as possible, as means to attract them to the organization. This is especially true with respect to libraries, and even more university libraries. The students nowadays rarely use physical library holdings, but they do use electronic ones. I want as many students to read TUGboat as possible. They are our future members, both individual and institutional.

In the discussion, concerns were raised about institutional members becoming subscribers in order to save money, since the subscriber fee is much less than the institutional fee. Although there is no way to be sure about the future, our interaction with the institutions is such that this seems unlikely: few of them take advantage of their online access benefit, and of those that do, none have ever indicated that this benefit was a prime reason for them being institutional members.

Yes:11; No:0; Abstain:1; No response:3. (12 June 2024)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Max Chernoff, Kaja Christiansen, Tom Hejda, Klaus Höppner, Jérémy Just, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

Abstain: Frank Mittelbach

No response: Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Ross Moore

The motion passes.

Motion 2024.2: Accept Tailor Swift Bot as an institutional member

Arthur Rosendahl makes the following motion, seconded by Karl Berry:

I move to accept the organisation registered under the name Tailor Swift Bot in County Brazos, Texas as an institutional member of TUG.

Rationale: The company named above submitted a membership to be an institutional member, which has generated some concern that the name might be seen as inappropriate, or that there would be a legal risk to TUG because of the reference to the name of a celebrity. The company itself is legitimately in the business of TeX and typography.

Because of the concerns, Arthur submitted this motion to come to a clear decision; the bylaws give the board full discretion to reject a member, but he noted that it would be unprecedented to do so.

Yes:8; No:0; Abstain:5; No response:2. (10 May 2024)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Max Chernoff, Jim Hefferon, Jérémy Just, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

Abstain: Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore

No response: Johannes Braams, Tom Hejda

The motion passes.

Motion 2024.1: Bring Ukrainian students to BachoTeX

Boris Veytsman makes the following motion, seconded by Arthur Rosendahl:

I move to match GUST contributions to bring Odesa students to BachoTeX, up to $600.

Yes:15; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (16 March 2024)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Max Chernoff, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Tom Hejda, Klaus Höppner, Jérémy Just, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

The motion passes unaminously.

Motion 2023.9: Accept proposed 2024 budget

Karl Berry made the following motion, seconded by Jérémy Just.

I move that we accept the proposed TUG budget for 2024.

Yes:15; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (30 December 2023)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Max Chernoff, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Tom Hejda, Klaus Höppner, Jérémy Just, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

The motion passes unaminously.

Motion 2023.8: Membership rates for 2024

Karl Berry made the following motion, seconded by Norbert Preining:

I move that we increase rates slightly for 2024: $10 for most categories, $5 for trial and joint members, and $50 for institutions. Also increase the electronic discount by $5; (amended:) i.e., change the electronic discount from $30 to $35.

Rationale: the last time we raised the general rate was 2010, and even longer ago than that for institutions. Inflation has not stood still. Mailing costs, especially, have increased.

Yes:15; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (5 December 2023)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Max Chernoff, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Tom Hejda, Klaus Höppner, Jérémy Just, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

The motion passes unaminously.

Motion 2023.7: Hold TUG 2024 in Prague

Arthur Rosendahl made the following motion, seconded by Tom Hejda:

I move that the TUG'24 conference should be held in Prague, with Tom Hejda heading the local organising committee.

Yes:15; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (3 October 2023)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Max Chernoff, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Tom Hejda, Klaus Höppner, Jérémy Just, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

The motion passes unaminously.

Motion 2023.6: Allow more than three directors on executive committee

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Jim Hefferon:

I move that Article V Section 1 ("Executive Committee") of our bylaws be replaced, in its entirety, by this text:
There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of
the President, plus at least three other Directors.  It shall be the
responsibility of the Executive Committee to adopt interim procedures
and policies when necessary on behalf of TUG, subject to the
ultimate approval of the \BoD{}.

Rationale: Traditionally, the Executive Committee has consisted of the TUG officers (Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer), in addition to the President, though only the President's membership is mandated by the bylaws. Occasionally it is helpful to have other directors on the committee.

Yes:15; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (24 September 2023)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Max Chernoff, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Tom Hejda, Klaus Höppner, Jérémy Just, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

The motion passes unaminously.

Motion 2023.5: Update bylaws wording for office administrator

Barbara Beeton makes the following motion, seconded by Karl Berry:

I move that this proposed text be accepted as a bylaws change:
\1  Article VIII<

\2  Section 1.  Duties<

The \BoD{} shall select and employ an individual capable of managing
membership records and financial accounts who shall be responsible for
the general administration of TUG's activities.  The initial title for
a new hire in this position shall be Office Manager, and may be changed
to another title, for example Executive Director, at the discretion of
the Board.

\2  Section 2.  Immediate Supervision<

The office administrator shall work under the immediate direction of the
Executive Committee. The office administrator shall attend meetings of the
Executive Committee and the \BoD{}, but shall not be a member of any of
these bodies. The presiding officer of any of these meetings may request
the absence of the office administrator.

Rationale: The bylaws mandate an executive director, but this is a requirement that we've been substantially ignoring for years, so it seems that a more realistic arrangement should replace it. The proposed text is coded so that it can be dropped right into the existing bylaws.tex file.

Yes:15; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (24 September 2023)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Max Chernoff, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Tom Hejda, Klaus Höppner, Jérémy Just, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

The motion passes unaminously.

Motion 2023.4: Hire Sophia Laakso as TUG office manager

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move that we accept Sophia Laakso's application to be TUG's new office manager, as of September 1, 2023, or another mutually agreed date. She will start at 30 hours per week, with the possibility of 40 hours at a later time, if mutually agreeable.

Rationale: Robin Laakso, our office manager for the last 24 years, gave her notice recently. Sophia, Robin's daughter, has assisted with many TUG tasks over the years and is thus ideally suited to step into the role.

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:2; No response:0. (4 September 2023)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Max Chernoff, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Tom Hejda, Klaus Höppner, Jérémy Just, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

Abstain: Ulrike Fischer, Frank Mittelbach

The motion passes.

Motion 2023.3: Discontinue TeX Collection DVD as membership benefit

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Jim Hefferon:

I move that we discontinue offering the TeX Collection DVD as a TUG membership benefit, as of 2024.

Rationale: our experience is that the vast majority of members have sufficient bandwidth to access downloads nowadays. Therefore producing the DVD as a large bulk mailing doesn't seem the best use of time or money. Further information: It seems likely that the images will still be made available, so DVDs can be burned on an individual basis. Whether this will be a service that TUG officially offers, or done on an individual volunteer basis, will be determined later.

Yes:10; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:5. (22 August 2023)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Tom Hejda, Klaus Höppner, Jérémy Just, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Boris Veytsman

No response: Johannes Braams, Max Chernoff, Ulrike Fischer, Frank Mittelbach, Arthur Rosendahl

The motion passes.

Motion 2023.2: Increased support for Ukrainian students at BachoTeX

Boris Veytsman makes the following motion, seconded by Barbara Beeton:

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (27 April 2023)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Paulo Cereda, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

The motion passes.

Motion 2023.1: Bring Ukrainian students to BachoTeX

Boris Veytsman makes the following motion, seconded by Barbara Beeton:

I move to allow executive committee to use Bursary funds for matching GUST in paying for Ukrainian students attending BachoTeX -- approximately $600.

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (13 February 2023)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Paulo Cereda, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

The motion passes.

Motion 2022.5: Accept proposed 2023 budget

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Jim Hefferon.

I move that we accept the proposed TUG budget for 2023.

Yes:12; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:1. (30 December 2022)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Paulo Cereda, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

No response: Ross Moore

The motion passes.

Motion 2022.4: Hold TUG 2023 in Bonn

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Frank Mittelbach and Boris Veytsman:

I move that we hold TUG 2023 in Bonn, Germany, from July 14-16, per the proposal by Dr. Gert Fischer, who will serve as the local organizer.

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (5 December 2022)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Paulo Cereda, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

The motion passes.

Motion 2022.3: Bring Ukrainian students to BachoTeX

Boris Veytsman makes the following motion, seconded by Barbara Beeton:

I move to allow executive committee to use Bursary funds for matching GUST in paying for Ukrainian students attending BachoTeX -- approximately $600.

Yes:10; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:3. (18 July 2022)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Paulo Cereda, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Boris Veytsman

No response: Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl

The motion passes.

Motion 2022.2: Cover DOI fees for GUTenberg

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move to offer financial support for DOI registrations to GUTenberg, the French TeX user group (, up to and including both payment of the yearly membership fee (currently $275 per year to Crossref), and for registration of individual DOI records for GUTenberg's publicationss (currently $.15 per old record, and $1 per current record). GUTenberg may be able to reimburse TUG for some or all of these costs, which would be welcome, but in this motion, I propose that TUG be prepared to cover the costs in their entirety.

Yes:10; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:3. (16 July 2022)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Paulo Cereda, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining

No response: Johannes Braams, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

The motion passes.

Motion 2022.1: Offer free memberships as appropriate

Boris Veytsman makes the following motion, seconded by Ross Moore:

I move to offer those in extraordinarily difficult circumstances, such as (currently) people in Ukraine or refugees from there, a free electronic membership in TUG. Individual decisions are to be made by the executive committee, under guidelines approved by the Board.

Yes:12; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:1. (15 April 2022)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Paulo Cereda, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Boris Veytsman

No response: Johannes Braams

The motion passes.

Motion 2021.7: Adopt AGM procedures and bylaws updates

Barbara Beeton makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move that bylaws updates for the purpose of establishing separate procedures for conduct of the Annual General Meeting (AGM), and the new AGM procedures be adopted.

Note: the official versions of the TUG AGM procedures and the TUG Election Procedures are maintained under the /bylaws/procedures/ directory.

Yes:12; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (26 December 2021)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Paulo Cereda, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl

The motion passes.

Motion 2021.6: Accept proposed 2022 budget

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move that we accept the proposed TUG budget for 2022.

The only notable change from previous years is the removal of the usual $2k allocation to the bursary for 2002. I felt that since we have now had two years of electronic conferences, and hence no need for bursaries, the bursary fund already has an "extra" $4k and there was no need to make it $6k. In the event of a physical conference in 2022, and the further event of a need for additional bursary funds, we can always allocate them at that time.

Yes:12; No:0; Abstain:1; No response:0. (26 December 2021)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Paulo Cereda, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Klaus Höppner, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl

Abstain: Frank Mittelbach

The motion passes.

Motion 2021.5: New registered agent in Rhode Island

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Frank Mittelbach:

I move that Barbara Beeton be recorded as TUG's new "registered agent" in Rhode Island.

Rationale: in the United States, a nonprofit like TUG has to have a so-called “registered agent” in the state where it is incorporated; for TUG, that's Rhode Island. The agent receives correspondence from the state.

Ron Whitney (a long-time TeX contributor and AMS employee) has been our agent for many years, but needs to step down now. Barbara, who lives in Rhode Island, has agreed to be the new agent.

The RI form to change registered agents requires that the change be "authorized by a resolution duly adopted by its board of directors". The state instructions are available.

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:1; No response:1. (25 May 2021)

Yes: Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Paulo Cereda, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Herbert Voß

Abstain: Barbara Beeton

No response: Will Robertson

The motion passes.

Motion 2021.4: Discontinue Libre Font Fund

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Will Robertson:

I move that the Libre Font Fund be discontinued, with the current balance (about $3500) being given to the developer of a substantial FontForge-related project, to be proposed by Dave Crossland (the instigator of this fund), and approved by the TUG development fund committee.

Rationale: Dave Crossland asked us to create this fund years ago to help support his work with free fonts, which we were glad to do. But nowadays, Dave is committed to other projects, and there is no one available to take over as the prime mover in his place. Therefore I'd like to close down this fund for the same reason as the previous motion about EduTeX: it doesn't make sense to ask people to donate to something moribund.

Since there is a meaningful amount left in the fund, it seemed appropriate to give it to one last development project. Previous disbursements from the fund have also gone to FontForge development of various kinds. Dave has already identified a person and project, and the developer has agreed.

Yes:14; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:1. (29 March 2021)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Paulo Cereda, Kaja Christiansen, Ulrike Fischer, Jim Hefferon, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Norbert Preining, Will Robertson, Arthur Rosendahl, Herbert Voß

No response: Ross Moore

The motion passes.

Motion 2021.3: Registration fees for TUG'21 conference

Frank Mittelbach makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move to make the pricing for the TUG 2021 electronic meeting via zoom be as follows: 1) free for presenters of talks; or 2) free for members; or 3) non-members may register for $30, and receive a free regular trial membership; or 4) non-members may register for a lesser amount (the discount to be determined by the executive committee) and receive a free electronic trial membership.

Rationale: Making it free just because it is streamed devalues the conference.

Yes:3; No:7; Abstain:2; No response:1. (7 March 2021)

Yes: Johannes Braams, Taco Hoekwater, Frank Mittelbach

No: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Herbert Voß

Abstain: Klaus Höppner, Will Robertson

No response: Ross Moore

The motion fails.

Motion 2021.2: Merge EduTeX committed fund with PDF Accessibility

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move that the EduTeX committed fund be discontinued, and its current balance (less than $400) be moved to the PDF Accessibility fund.

Rationale: There's no evident project on which this money will ever get spent. Without active projects, I'd just as soon close it down so people don't donate to something that is moribund, and to simplify the form. The edutex web page and edutex mailing list can stay alive for whatever value they may have, it just won't be a dedicated donation target any more.

It originally came about when Frank Quinn from Virgina Tech had some active ideas. Unfortunately Frank disappeared many years ago without notable results. I suggest the transfer to the accessibility fund since accessibility is something that certainly benefits education; the closest among other funds.

Yes:12; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:1. (6 March 2021)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Rosendahl, Herbert Voß

No response: Will Robertson

The motion passes.

Motion 2021.1: New committed fund for LyX donations

Boris Veytsman makes the following motion, seconded by Karl Berry:

The LyX developers have asked us to collect donations for them. We do this for some other TeX developers. Since we are a non-profit, these donations are tax-deductible (in the USA). I move to open a dedicated fund for LyX development funded by donations specifically marked for this purpose.

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (14 February 2021)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Will Robertson, Arthur Rosendahl, Herbert Voß

The motion passes.

Motion 2020.5: Accept proposed 2021 budget

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move that we accept the proposed TUG budget for 2021.

Yes:12; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:1. (22 December 2020)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Herbert Voß

No response: Will Robertson

The motion passes.

Motion 2020.4: Reduction of discount for electronic membership

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Barbara Beeton:

I move that for 2021, we reduce the electronic membership fee reduction from $35 to $30.

Rationale: simply that $30 is closer to the reality of the costs of the physical delivery.

Yes:12; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:1. (2 December 2020)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Herbert Voß

No response: Will Robertson

The motion passes.

Motion 2020.3: Apply for OSI affiliate membership

Norbert Preining makes the following motion, seconded by Will Robertson:

I move that TUG apply to be an Affiliate Member of the Open Source Initiative. It is free (no costs), but allows us to particiapte in OSI actions. I would like to volunteer as delegate, if the board agrees.

Yes:12; No:0; Abstain:1; No response:0. (11 June 2020)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

Abstain: Ross Moore

The motion passes.

Motion 2020.2: Cancel TUG 2020 conference at RIT

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Johannes Braams:

Due to the global health situation, I move that we cancel TUG'20 at RIT, including the TUG Annual General Meeting. All fees collected from participants to be refunded.

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (5 May 2020)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

The motion passes.

Note: discussion about holding an online conference instead is underway.

Motion 2020.1: Support learnlatex project

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Jim Hefferon:

I move that TUG support the learnlatex project proposed by Joseph Wright, on behalf of the LaTeX team, with funding up to 2000 USD, the exact amount to be determined when the expenses are known. This money will come from the TUG general funds.

The learnlatex proposal document is available.

Yes:8; No:0; Abstain:4; No response:1. (11 March 2020)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer

Abstain: Johannes Braams, Frank Mittelbach, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

No response: Ross Moore

The motion passes. Note: members of the LaTeX team abstained to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest.

Motion 2019.7: Bring Ukrainian students to BachoTeX

Boris Veytsman makes the following motion, seconded by Jim Hefferon.

I move to fund up to $1K on bringing students from Ukraine to BachoTeX.

Note: The sum is probably overestimated, and the real expense might be lower, but let us cover the emergencies.

Yes:11; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:2. (6 January 2020)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Herbert Voß

No response: Ross Moore, Will Robertson

The motion passes.

Motion 2019.6: Accept proposed 2020 budget

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman.

I move that we accept the TUG budget for 2020.

Yes:12; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:1. (25 December 2019)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Herbert Voß

No response: Ross Moore, Will Robertson

The motion passes.

Motion 2019.5: Subscription and trial rate changes for 2020.

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman.

I move that (1) the subscription rate for 2020 be increased to $115 (from $110), and (2) the trial membership rate for 2020 be increased to $30 (from $20). No change proposed for other rates.

Rationale: (1) The last increase in the subscription rate was in 2015. Several sources have told us that small increases are unlikely to cause cancellation. Let's hope. (2) $20 is not enough to cover the out-of-pocket cost to mail TUGboat and the DVD; $30 is just about break even. Although this could be two separate motions, preliminary discussion indicates no particular dissent, so more efficient to take care of them both at once.

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (27 November 2019)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

The motion passes.

Motion 2019.4: Lifetime membership class in bylaws

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman.

I move that the bylaws be amended to include a new section in Article III Members, at the end of that Article:

Section 8. Lifetime Members

The Board may award, from time to time, particularly deserving individuals a lifetime membership in TUG. Such individuals shall have all the rights and responsibilities of regular TUG members, such as being entitled to vote in elections and stand for election to the Board, but shall not have to pay any membership fee.

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (29 August 2019)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

The motion passes.

Motion 2019.3: Elect Klaus Höppner as TUG secretary

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Norbert Preining.

With Sue DeMeritt's departure from the board, I move that Klaus Höppner be the new secretary.

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (22 August 2019)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Jim Hefferon, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

The motion passes.

Motion 2019.2: TUG'20 at the Rochester Institute of Technology

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Barbara Beeton.

I move that we hold TUG 2020 at the Rochester Institute of Technology (in western New York state,, hosted by the Cary Graphics Art Collection (, in the summer of 2020. Date to be determined when RIT's summer 2020 academic schedule is known, which might not be for some time yet.

Yes:14; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:1. (29 July 2019)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Cheryl Ponchin, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

No response: Ross Moore

The motion passes.

Motion 2019.1: Support of Executive Director's views

Michael Doob makes the following motion, seconded by Will Robertson.

The Board of Directors of the TeX Users Group, having reviewed the letters from Jonathan Fine and Robin Laakso, supports and endorses the views expressed by the Executive Director.

Yes:15; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (17 April 2019)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Cheryl Ponchin, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

The motion passes.

Motion 2018.8: Accept the proposed 2019 budget

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman.

I move we accept the TUG budget for 2019.

Yes:12; No:0; Abstain:1; No response:2. (26 December 2018)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Kaja Christiansen, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Cheryl Ponchin, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

Abstain: Frank Mittelbach

No response: Johannes Braams, Ross Moore

The motion passes.

Motion 2018.7: Bring Ukrainian students to BachoTeX

Boris Veytsman makes the following motion, seconded by Arthur Reutenauer:

I move to fund the pilot project of bringing Ukrainian students to BachoTeX in the amount not exceeding $1K.

Yes:15; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (11 December 2018)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Cheryl Ponchin, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

The motion passes.

Motion 2018.6: Approve revised election procedures

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Arthur Reutenauer:

I move that we approve the revised election procedures (draft dated 22oct).

Summary of changes: Clarifications for electronic voting, election committee membership, joint member eligibility, and that deadlines must include precise time and timezone. Example schedule updated for 2019. Formatting.

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:2. (9 November 2018)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Taco Hoekwater, Frank Mittelbach, Cheryl Ponchin, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

No response: Klaus Höppner, Ross Moore

The motion passes.

Motion 2018.5: Increasing TUGboat open access

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move that all TUGboat issues except the current one be publicly available.

Rationale: Right now, TUGboat issues become public one year after publication. Per the results of our recent survey, many members would support increased open access. Also, the wider dissemination of information by having TUGboat articles publicly available sooner would benefit the TeX community and TUG(boat). On the other hand, a small but nontrivial minority indicated that the early access to TUB was an important factor in joining or continuing their membership, and we don't want to lose members. The motion attempts to balance these factors.

Yes:13; No:1; Abstain:0; No response:1. (15 October 2018)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Cheryl Ponchin, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

No: Herbert Voß

No response: Ross Moore

The motion passes.

Motion 2018.4: TUG'19 in Palo Alto

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move that we hold TUG 2019 in Palo Alto, CA, to be primarily organized by TUG.

Yes:15; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (9 August 2018)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Cheryl Ponchin, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

The motion passes.

Motion 2018.3: Trial membership autorenewal by default

Boris Veytsman makes the following motion, seconded by Frank Mittelbach:

I move that in the join/renew membership form for trial members the auto-renewal option box is checked by default.

Yes:2; No:10; Abstain:2; No response:1. (17 January 2018)

Yes: Frank Mittelbach, Norbert Preining

No: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Cheryl Ponchin, Arthur Reutenauer, Herbert Voß

Abstain: Kaja Christiansen, Will Robertson

No response: Ross Moore

The motion fails.

Motion 2018.2: Membership autorenewal by default

Boris Veytsman makes the following motion, seconded by Frank Mittelbach:

I move to change the join/renew membership form for regular (non-trial) members by making the auto-renewal option box checked by default.

Yes:2; No:10; Abstain:2; No response:1. (17 January 2018)

Yes: Frank Mittelbach, Norbert Preining

No: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Cheryl Ponchin, Arthur Reutenauer, Herbert Voß

Abstain: Kaja Christiansen, Will Robertson

No response: Ross Moore

The motion fails.

Motion 2018.1: Make electronic discount $35

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move that the electronic discount for 2018 be reduced by $5 to $35.

Rationale: This is only so that the special-categories electronic membership is not less than the trial membership, which simplifies our documentation and decisions by members. We did not see any particular rise in member retention rates at the $40 level, so it seems improbable that the reduction to $35 will have any particular effect.

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:2. (26 January 2018)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Taco Hoekwater, Frank Mittelbach, Cheryl Ponchin, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

No response: Klaus Höppner, Ross Moore

The motion passes.

Motion 2017.7: Trial membership option

Boris Veytsman makes the following motion, seconded by Frank Mittelbach:

I move to institute starting in 2018 a trial membership option, which
1. Is open for new individual members only (no renewing or returning members, no institutions).
2. Includes physical benefits.
3. Is offered at $20 for one year

Yes:14; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:1. (10 January 2018)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Cheryl Ponchin, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

No response: Ross Moore.

The motion passes.

Motion 2017.6: Accept the proposed 2018 budget

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Will Robertson:

I move we accept the TUG budget for 2018.

Yes:15; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (26 December 2017)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Cheryl Ponchin, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

The motion passes.

Motion 2017.5: New-member lottery

Boris Veytsman makes the following motion, seconded by Frank Mittelbach:
I move we announce a lottery for the new individual members in 2018 (including trial members) with the prize from donated books and a postcard for each participant.

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:2. (22 December 2017)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Taco Hoekwater, Frank Mittelbach, Cheryl Ponchin, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

No response: Klaus Höppner, Ross Moore

The motion passes.

Motion 2017.4: Increase joint fees and offer electronic discounts

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Arthur Reutenauer:

I move that we increase the joint membership amount for regular members to $65 and for "discount" members to $40; and simultaneously introduce a discount of $20 for joint members who choose electronic-only benefits delivery, in either category.

Rationale: this is the first increase since 2009 (at least), and the increase is $5. "Discount" members are whatever reduced-fee categories the other group offers—students, seniors, etc. The $20 is reasonably close to the average actual cost of producing and mailing the three physical TUGboat issues each year.

Yes:15; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (28 September 2017)

Yes: Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Johannes Braams, Kaja Christiansen, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Taco Hoekwater, Klaus Höppner, Frank Mittelbach, Ross Moore, Cheryl Ponchin, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Will Robertson, Herbert Voß

The motion passes.

Motion 2017.3: Elect TUG officers

Boris Veytsman makes the following motion, seconded by Johannes Braams:

I move to elect Sue as Secretary, Karl as Treasurer and Arthur as Vice-President.

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:1; No response:1. (12 May 2017)

Yes: Herbert Voß, Johannes Braams, Arthur Reutenauer, Ross Moore, Kaja Christiansen, Frank Mittelbach, Michael Doob, Karl Berry, Barbara Beeton, Norbert Preining, Will Robertson, Taco Hoekwater, Cheryl Ponchin

Abstain: Klaus Höppner

No response: Sue DeMeritt (absent)

The motion passes.

Motion 2017.2: Support AMS statement on immigration

Boris Veytsman makes the following motion (amended by B. Beeton, K. Berry, and M. Doob), seconded by Kaja Christiansen:

Publish on our Web page and include in the President's letter the following statement: Since its inception, the TeX typesetting system has always had a special relationship with the American Mathematical Society, one of the earliest supporters of Donald Knuth's typography research, support which continues to the present day. Consistent with this tradition, the Board of the TeX Users Group supports the statement of the AMS Board of Trustees opposing the US Executive Order on Immigration (

Yes:13; No:0; Abstain:1; No response:0. (16 February 2017)

Yes: Karl Berry, Kaja Christiansen, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Steve Grathwohl, Klaus Höppner, Steve Peter, Cheryl Ponchin, Geoffrey Poore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Boris Veytsman

Abstain: Michael Sofka

The motion passes.

Motion 2017.1: Approval of election procedures

Karl Berry makes the following motion, seconded by Boris Veytsman:

I move that the revised election procedures be accepted for the 2017 election.

Yes:14; No:0; Abstain:0; No response:0. (6 February 2017)

Yes: Karl Berry, Barbara Beeton, Kaja Christiansen, Sue DeMeritt, Michael Doob, Steve Grathwohl, Klaus Höppner, Steve Peter, Cheryl Ponchin, Geoffrey Poore, Norbert Preining, Arthur Reutenauer, Michael Sofka, Boris Veytsman

The motion passes.

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