{Didier Verna} {A large scale format compliance checker for \TeX\ font metric files} {As part of \acro{ETAP}, our experimental typesetting algorithms platform, we have developed a parser, simply called \acro{TFM}, for \TeX\ Font Metrics files. A robust parser for an official data format must handle all sorts of compliance problems of various degrees of seriousness, ranging from simple warnings to non-recoverable errors. \acro{TFM} not only provides a rich (hopefully exhaustive) ontology of errors, but also a powerful recovery mechanism, allowing to go as far as possible in the parsing, for example by fixing errors on the fly or discarding problematic input. As a side-effect, it is possible to use \acro{TFM} as a validation tool rather than for actually loading font information. Indeed, the \acro{TFM} exception handler reifies the problematic situations into objects (in the ``object-oriented'' sense) which can be silently collected until the parsing is over or needs to be terminated prematurely. These objects can in turn be used to produce a full compliance report for the analyzed file. We have automated this process for the whole \TeX\ Live distribution, resulting in the (in)validation of almost 80,000 fonts. See \url{https://texlive.info/tfm-validate/}. \columnfill\preprint}