[tldoc] New translation for TL: Brazilian Portuguese (pt.po)

Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda cereda.paulo at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 12:58:07 CET 2012

Hi Norbert,

> trans.pl and TLWinGoo.pm adapted.
> I hope it flies.

It looks fantastic!

IMHO it really means a lot for TL to have region code support and you
made it possible. Thank you very much.

I was worried of providing a localized translation which could be
mapped to a broader audience than it should. It's great to have a
region code alternative instead of a direct fallback to the language

Thanks for delving into the Perl code and adding this awesome feature.
I took a look in the source, but most of Perl code is still cryptic to
me. That's probably why I'm sticking with Lua for some scripts. :P

Best wishes,


Em 12 de fevereiro de 2012 22:36, Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at> escreveu:
> On Mo, 13 Feb 2012, Norbert Preining wrote:
>> I will now do adjust trans.pl to
>> - evaluate also for the region code,
>> - check if $lang_&lowercase($region) exists
>>       if yes use it
>> - if no, check for $lang alone
>>  am not sure whether I can get this to work on Windows, but I will
>> try. On Unix it should be easier.
> trans.pl and TLWinGoo.pm adapted.
> I hope it flies.
> Best wishes
> Norbert
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Norbert Preining            preining@{jaist.ac.jp, logic.at, debian.org}
> JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
> DSA: 0x09C5B094   fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76  A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The moment at which two people approaching from opposite ends of a
> long passageway, recognise each other and immediately pretend they
> haven't. This is to avoid the ghastly embarrassment of having to
> continue recognising each other the whole length of the corridor.
>                        --- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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