[tldoc] Correction in live.tex

Boris Veytsman borisv at lk.net
Sun Dec 10 22:33:07 CET 2006

I am now working on russian translaiton of live.tex.   I will send
here typos in the English version I find in the process (actually I
can correct them myself, since I have an SVN account, but maybe Karl
prefers to do this himself).

Line 540:

TEXMFSYSVAR=/opt/texlive2006/texmf-var; export TEXMFVAR

Should be

TEXMFSYSVAR=/opt/texlive2006/texmf-var; export TEXMFSYSVAR

Good luck


It was the Law of the Sea, they said.  Civilization ends at the waterline.
Beyond that, we all enter the food chain, and not always right at the top.
		-- Hunter S. Thompson

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