Problems to download packages

Karl Berry karl at
Fri Aug 30 23:20:52 CEST 2019

    I encounter a problem when downloading packages from tug's ftp
    server.  Every time after I successfully downloaded a package, I
    have the impression, that the server blocks me.

tug's ftp configuration has no such rule.

In general, it is better to use (a) any protocol other than ftp (http[s]
or rsync), and (b) any other server than FTP on is
perpetually overloaded, primarily because of stupid web browsers that
like to open as many concurrent ftp connections as they can.

Let me take this opportunity to mention for the archives that nowadays
there are several mirrors of the "historic" TeX archive, which for many
years was available only from (via ftp and rsync) -- see --best, karl.

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