[texhax] On tikz package

Dr A K Hannaby keith.hannaby at mathshelp.com
Thu Jul 19 16:41:17 CEST 2012

Dear all


The following places a rectangular box with curved corners around everything
- including the figure caption, marked CAPTION.

How can I get the box to enclose all EXCEPT the caption, please?



\setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{8pt} % space above main figure caption was 8pt

\setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{0pt} % space below caption % centered properly

                \begin{tikzpicture}[rounded corners,draw=DarkRed,line
width=0.7pt,inner sep=7pt] 

                \node at (0,0) [rectangle,draw,fill=FigCream]{ % begin

                                \begin{minipage}[t]{114mm} % \centering

    \subfloat[\hspace{2.4pt}Calibrated thermometer reading body
temperature\hspace{0.4pt}: \hspace{0.6pt}$37^{\hspace{0.6pt}0}C$]

    {\label{fig:calibratedthermometer} %

_thermometer}} %


    \subfloat[\hspace{2.4pt}Same thermometer as above but reading



                \caption{Illustrating \hspace{0.6pt}''negativeness''
\hspace{0.6pt}in the context of temperature} % CAPTION

                \label{fig:illustratingnegativeness} %





Keith Hannaby

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