[texhax] two figures side by side

Susan Dittmar Susan.Dittmar at gmx.de
Mon Jan 30 11:39:09 CET 2012

Quoting Reinhard Kotucha (reinhard.kotucha at web.de):
>  > \includegraphics[width=6cm,height=8cm]{c:/chetty/Dropbox/R21/Figure1.png}
> It's also not a good idea to specify a width and a height at the same
> time.  This has an impact on the aspect ratio of the graphic.  It's
> better to specify the width only, relative to \textwidth:
>  \includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{...}

Alternatively specify both, and add keepaspectratio to the list of options.
This uses the maximum size filling the given width x height space which
does *not* change aspect ratio:

Hope that helps,


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