[texhax] getting started, structurally

Uwe Lueck uwe.lueck at web.de
Sat Jan 22 17:52:50 CET 2011

Just on the subject "getting started": look at the bottom of messages from texhax.
You may soon need to decide on what kind of TeX you want use. 
For a  beginner, LaTeX is best, your commands will be mainly 
"latex" and/or "pdflatex", or "xelatex" ... just read on there ...

todoke_SV1 <todoke.sv1 at gmail.com>, 22.01.2011 15:16:57:
> I've installed the MaxTeX distro it's up and running

I guess it's MacTeX, at some point you may face difficulties if you don't know this. 
For more help with MacTeX wait patiently for Axel Retif's help.

> and I've enough docs to find how to write simple texts,
> yet I don't know how to adequately start texing a whole
> lot of lecture notes in a structured way.
> What I want to do is:
> define the layout without going into much detail
> (quite condensed, little border, no huge headings
> but some underlinings).


(named most often, personally I have much sympathy for http://ctan.org/pkg/ncclatex.)

> then enter the notes,  using only a small number of
> logical classifications (definition, proof, ..) and most of the text will be math.

and look for support on www.ams.org

Hope this helps
 -- Uwe.

> Can you recommend a guide or packages that ease my intent?

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