[texhax] LaTex table formating problems

Francisco Costa franciscocosta88 at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 13 20:22:43 CEST 2011

Good afternoon, currently i'm devolping my master degree thesis and i'm having some problems formating tables to fit correctly the page limits

i will try to explain the problem, show the current tablecode and the way i want it to look like

1. last 4 lines have too much unocuppied vertical space
   i would like to know the code line to set a vertical height to each row.

\tabcolsep 2.0pt
\caption{Balanço energético pelos vãos envidraçados em estação de arrefecimento}
\begin{tabular}{@{}>{\centering}m{4.2cm} !{\vrule width 1.3pt} >{\centering}m{1.2cm}!{\vrule width 1.3pt} >{\centering}m{4.0cm}!{\vrule width 1.3pt} >{\centering}m{3.7cm}!{\vrule width 1.3pt} >{\centering}m{3.7cm}@{}}
  \noalign{\hrule height 1.3pt}
  \textbf{Vãos envidraçados} & \textbf{Área (m$^2$)} & \textbf{Balanço energético por condução (kWh)} & \textbf{Ganhos solares por radiação (kWh)} & \textbf{Balanço energético total (kWh)} \tabularnewline \noalign{\hrule height 1.3pt}
    \begin{flushleft}I - Orientação a Este\end{flushleft} & 1,40 & -57,66 & 271,53 & 213,87 \tabularnewline \hline 
    \begin{flushleft}II - Orientação a Este\end{flushleft} & 1,40 & -57,66 & 271,53 & 213,87 \tabularnewline \hline
    \begin{flushleft}III - Orientação a Oeste\end{flushleft} & 1,40 & -57,62 & 259,22 & 201,60 \tabularnewline \hline
    \begin{flushleft}IV - Orientação a Oeste\end{flushleft} & 11,75 & -484,56 & 2175,50 & 1690,95 \tabularnewline \noalign{\hrule height 1.3pt}

view anex table44.jpg

2. using multicolumn code unables me to have nice line distribuition like shown in anex table39.jpg
   is there some way to work it around so it perfectly fits the page?

\tabcolsep 2.0pt
\caption{Influência do sombreamento sobre vãos envidraçados, em estação de aquecimento}
\begin{tabular}{@{}l !{\vrule width 1.3pt} c!{\vrule width 1.3pt} c!{\vrule width 1.3pt} c!{\vrule width 1.3pt} c!{\vrule width 1.3pt} c@{}}
  \noalign{\hrule height 1.3pt}    
    \textbf{Vãos envidraçados} & \textbf{Área 
    (m$^2$)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Sem sombreamento}}{\vrule width 1.3pt} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Com sombreamento}}\\ \cline{3-6} &&\textbf{Ganhos solares por radiação
    (kWh)} & \textbf{Balanço energético total (kWh)} & \textbf{Ganhos solares por radiação
    (kWh)} & \textbf{Balanço energético total (kWh)} \\ \noalign{\hrule height 1.3pt}
    \begin{flushleft}Orientação a Sul\end{flushleft} & 1,40 & 223,99 & 181,67 & 197,50 & 150,89 \\ \hline 
    \begin{flushleft}Orientação a Norte\end{flushleft} & 1,40 & 58,92 & -29,04 & 54,03 & -49,70 \\ \hline
    \begin{flushleft}Orientação a Este\end{flushleft} & 1,40 & 119,23 & 48,57 & 108,97 & 38,50 \\ \hline
    \begin{flushleft}Orientação a Oeste\end{flushleft} & 1,40 & 107,27 & 31,27 & 95,99 & 20,11 \\ \noalign{\hrule height 1.3pt}

thank you in advance for the potencial hellp to solve the problems and looking forward for the reply,
Francisco Costa
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