[texhax] using multirow and rowcolor together

Oleg Parashchenko olpa at xmlhack.ru
Mon Nov 22 14:52:17 CET 2010

Hello Rob,

On Fri, 19 Nov 2010 20:23:32 -0800
Rob Messer <rmesser at intellisurvey.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to use multirow in a colored table, and I'm running into a
> problem ...I tried tabular, tabularx, longtable, and supertabular.

Some time ago I wrote and released a new package "cals", which natively
supports basic, but not so easy with the standard packages, table
formatting. Your test table can be coded as:

\def\cals at framecs@width{.4pt }
\def\cals at framers@width{.4pt }
\def\cals at bgcolor{lightgray}
 \nullcell{lrb}\alignL\spancontent{\vfil Results}
 \nullcell{lrb}\alignC\spancontent{\vfil All records}
\def\cals at bgcolor{}

> Rob

Oleg Parashchenko  olpa@ http://uucode.com/
http://uucode.com/blog/  XML, TeX, Python, Mac, Chess
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