[texhax] adding different amounts of dots for formatting

Susan Dittmar Susan.Dittmar at gmx.de
Wed May 6 19:12:06 CEST 2009

Quoting Philip TAYLOR (Ret'd) (P.Taylor at rhul.ac.uk):
> I'm sure a wizard could get the \dotfill into the preamble,

I'm far from being a wizard, but this works for me:

\begin{tabular}{ r l<{\dotfill} l }
%                  & \hbox to 0,6 \hsize {}             & \\
Vim modus          &   tractatos suscipiantur at        & ius \\
cu homero nominati &   mediocrem feugait nusquam per et & sanctus \\
consulatu          &   concludaturque                   & mei \\
Dicat legendos     &   concludaturque ne ius tale       & dicit \\

Hope that helps,

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