[texhax] pdflatex : multi figure + one table : \\, aligning figures
Bryan W. Lepore
Bryan.Lepore at umassmed.edu
Fri Jun 26 19:48:48 CEST 2009
[abbrev. pdflatex code below]
i'd like to get a long figure aligned left, then three small figures
stacked on the right, then table on the bottom.
| long | short 1 |
| |---------+
| figure | short 2 |
| |---------+
| | short 3 |
| table |
the table position is ok. i am trying \\ after the figures, but have
inconsistent results : seems dependent on figure scaling, maybe rotation.
i can keep hammering away, but : is this even possible given the code
below, or am i hoping for too much with the figure env?
\usepackage{rotating}%for rotating figures
compound &\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{absorption} &\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{fluorescence} & sensitivity \\ \cline{2-7}
& $\lambda_{\rm max}$ & $\epsilon_{\rm max}$ & $\lambda_{\rm max}$ & $\phi_{\rm F}$ & $\tau_0$ (ns) & $\epsilon_{\rm max}\phi_{\rm F}$ \\ \cline{2-7}
Trp & 280 & 5600 & 348 & 0.20 & 2.6 & 11. \\ \hline
Tyr & 274 & 1400 & 303 & 0.14 & 3.6 & 2.0 \\ \hline
Phe & 257 & 200 & 282 & 0.04 & 6.4 & 0.08 \\ \hline\hline
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