[texhax] article formatting help?

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Fri Apr 24 09:28:15 CEST 2009

Am Fri, 24 Apr 2009 15:31:35 +1200 schrieb Rolf Turner:

>>> and how do i get the citations to appear on each page as they
>>> show up in the text?
>> Maybe use footnotes?
> I imagine that is indeed what Sara is currently stuck with, but
> it's pretty kludgy.  It entails hand-formatting each citation.
> Some clever person, who knows how to build bibliography style
> files has a moral obligation [ :-) ] to put one together that
> would automate the process.

jurabib has a footcite command, and biblatex naturally too:

	AUTHOR="W. Tester",
	TITLE="A test on footcite",
	PUBLISHER="Tester Publications",
	YEAR="2009" }

a test\footcite{test}

Ulrike Fischer 

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