[texhax] ps2pdf

Dr. R. Hasson R.Hasson at open.ac.uk
Mon May 19 09:58:41 CEST 2008

Robert Johansson wrote:
> I have a document containing figures created with pstricks which I need to
> make a pdf of. Viewing the ps-file everything looks fine but when I convert
> it to pdf with distiller everything is misplaced. The text and all figures
> move about 15 mm up on the page. Anyone who knows what to do?

 From your email address I guess that you are in Sweeden and are using 
A4  paper. Acrobat distiller defaults to letter paper which is shorter 
and wider than A4 and this causes the effect that you observed. You can 
change the paper size in the "Settings|Edit Adobe PDF settings..." menu 
item and save a new default.

Hope this helps,
Robert Hasson

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