[texhax] Numbering within sections

Robert Wilson millstadtf at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 07:25:41 CET 2008

Hello all,
   I hate to abuse the mailing list twice in one day, but I have been
googling for hours. I need to number my citations within the section, just
like tables and figures. For the latter, I use
in my preamble, but sadly there is no corresponding

After much reading about counters, I think it's because bibliographies use
labels (like the list environment) instead of a counter. I'm using the
natbib package, so I can get the citation to look correct in the text with

Unfortunately, this does not reset the counter at the end of the section,
and doesn't help with the References section at the end, either. I did a
search within natbib.sty for counters, finding NAT at ctr, but
      \numberwithin{NAT at ctr}{section}
did nothing.

I am really trying to make LaTeX easy for the other members of my group in
hopes of tearing them away from Microsoft Word, so any recommendations would
help me out tremendously.

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